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Posts posted by KnockinthaStreetzof608

  1. but wouldn't I have ran into those issues when I was demoing or competing in the lanes? Idk I checked every looks good, got my terminals super tight now and left my charger on my battery's car turns on again so im going let them float charge for the night, just weird on how many times i turn it on and off and nothing weird happen and i get home turn it off then turn it on nothing,

    I'm confused who did i piss off? Lol

  2. Idk it all started when I had my wall up and running ill go full tilt on it and the odometer on my car will go on and off, but my headlight won't dim or nothing amp staying on everything expect for that makes me Think it's a electrical related to me car issue no idea

    And it doesn't even crank which is crazy since I will shut off my car and turn on when im waiting for my turn to go into the lanes I even did a friendly 49.9 class of bass race and we tied 3times before a db drag i went to and my car was off and after that it still turned on no issue but i got home parked it turn it on for a cd boom no crank no power no nothing

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