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Everything posted by Dale

  1. Imagine how I felt. I'm like....I never created a thread called "Search Engines" before. There must be another Dale. But there can ONLY be one!!!
  2. Try this site: www.tigerdirect.com Or this site: www.directron.com
  3. Good looking out Syko. Did you type all that?
  4. That would be kinda nice. I'm pretty sure we could find a smiley for every facial expression eventually
  5. Is the wire going to your control pod that long? Cuz I've been meaning to put mine in the closet
  6. It's not ghey meng. It's pimp. You just need some juice and your set
  7. NewCents, I've always liked your room. Your big screen is tite. Plus, the sheet on your bed is...Reow I bet you bring chicks in there all the time dude. Sayin...hey check out my sheets?
  8. I've gotten bad drives from the mail before. Didn't bother sending them back cuz they're so cheap.
  9. Don't fuse the negatives. If a wire breaks and touches the body of your car it won't hurt....IT'S NEGATIVE ANYWAY LOL. Get a good ground in the back like you planned and ground your amps there.
  10. Don't have a pic of my room at the moment. As soon as I get one I'll post it !!! :^
  11. Oh I see. Looks nice, though. I think I'll try sometime.
  12. don't you just hate that? Usually thats how burners fail. They stop recognizing media.
  13. Good question. If he does 2 positives, I would suggest that he ALSO runs 2 negatives
  14. First thing you must always do when your computer starts acting weird. RESTART it. That solves more problems than you think.
  15. I say still fuse it. Can't be too safe. For the 2 runs of 1/0: Are you going to put a fuse on each or are you just going to use one big fuse?
  16. But doesn't it bother you that you have to reach so far to put CDs in your drive tray??
  17. Bibby, you got me wondering wether or not I should put my tower like that. You know, behind my monitor. That would really give me space. HMM :-*
  18. LOL I know what you mean. Car audio equipment (good) cost mad money. :-[
  19. ^^^Good idea. I just have one request. PICS!!!! Millions of them.
  20. I feel your pain bro. But you have seen the light. Ported FTW
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