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Posts posted by SnowDrifter

  1. I wouldn't hit, just keep her from being able to continue hitting me

    Same. Girls, for the most part(there are of course, exceptions) tend not to be able to really harm guys in the same way guys can harm guys. I would only fight back if it was some extreme circumstance, and even still, I would rather find a way to de-escalate the situation or leave before I would do so.

  2. That "liquified corn" is there to prevent knocks, along with other things. Did they switch to E-80? Because almost all gas these days has at least 10% ethanol

    I know that Ethanol boosts octane. I completely understand that. Here's the thing: I used to go to a semi-local gas station that sold 100% gas vs the 90/10 mix. Then they switched to E10 to get a tax break. Since then I have noticed that my jeep JK doesn't seem to run as well. If I get on the gas, it will knock slightly for a second, retard the timing, adjust the fuel mixture, then I get some power. But I have also noticed that it lacks power across the RPM band and I get about 20% less fuel economy.

    What I am saying is that it runs, but no where near as well as it could run. I would be willing to make a small trip to get some pure gas.

    Besides engine power and fuel economy, I have read that Ethanol isn't very good for the rubber it touches, and I can't put something that might have the slightest chance of harming the car, into the car. It's my parent's ride, so I am committed to taking care of it to the best of my ability.

    I have looked at pure-gas.org and the closest one I found is in Issaquah, 21 miles away. I am HOPING that a member on this forum might know of something a bit closer then what is mentioned on the website (I am of course, operating on the assumption that the list is made up of what is reported and added to the list, and that there are some that may not be listed for whatever reason)

    Please help?

  3. Where can I get 100%, ethanol free gasoline near Redmond, Washington? I looked at pure gas, but the closest one is Issaquah, so it's a bit far. I am hoping some of you folks might know of something closer

    I don't care the octane, as long as it's above 87. I will buy higher octane if it means getting gas in my tank, not corn.

    Why? The local gas station switched, my Jeep runs like :bull: on it, gets 5 fewer mpg, and has turned into a dangerously slow slug on the freeway... Besides, if I pay to put gas in my car, I want just that. Not liquified corn or grass juice.

    Thanks in advance for the help

  4. I'm 17, driving on the freeway on the way to bible study. A cargo van cuts me off, I flash him, and let off the gas and coast to keep a good following distance. As I am doing this, he jams on his brakes, HARD - and so do I. Fortunately, he was able to stop and avoid whatever situation happened ahead, and I avoided running into him. The guy behind me, however, did not. As I was slowing down, I see him coming up in my rear view and feel a tap on my car - similar in both sound and feel to someone closing the trunk. We both pull off to the side of the road, exchange information, and inspect vehicles.

    Here is why I am thankful: I know that cars traveling down the freeway carry enormous, deadly amounts of kinetic energy. I also know that rear endings can be pretty bad (My friend's Cherokee got rear ended recently, totaling it and forcing my friend to stay in bed for 2 days since he couldn't walk). When I got out and looked at the back of my car (2010 jeep wrangler sport, 4 door) I saw only a smudge in the tire black on my spare tire where his car contacted mine. Both me and him are totally OK(SUPER good since his car was made before crumple zones and crash safety was a huge concern) as are the cars (except for his front Honda emblem which fell off).

    In the other driver's defense, he wasn't tailgating, nor did he try to run off or anything afterwards, and he was very polite. The fact of the matter is, a newer jeep just stops quite a bit quicker than his older civic. I view it as an accident, and just that. Not negligent driving.

    I am so glad no one and nothing got hurt in this. Folks, please drive safe. It's a jungle out there.

  5. Just curious as to why you would need to use an EQ full time for your music?

    If it is just for a few tracks you can use AUDACITY to get the track where you like it and save it for use.

    Nothing wrong with a bit of curiosity :)

    Since it's a laptop, it doesn't have a sub like a car. I take the equalizer, up the bass below 75hz, then up the treble just a bit - then it sounds like my friend's car with 2 10s.

    I want the EQ for all windows sounds so if I am playing a song on youtube, it still sounds good. Otherwise, I would just use my EQ in Foobar2000

  6. Pull the wire and twist slightly at the same time. You are trying to make the outer strands of wire face slightly inward. Make sure that your cut was completely straight and not lopsided. When you put it in the amp, put the wire straight in, and twist the wire very slightly in the opposite direction of the twist (if the wire strands are twisted clockwise, turn the wire counter clockwise) to help ease the wire into the terminal without it fraying out.

    It worked for me when I was doing 4ga wire on a 4ga terminal.

    P.S. Your avatar is profoundly distracting LOL

  7. With exception of very few subs out there (that you need to worry about spider damage) the point of breaking in a subwoofer has to do with getting optimum sound quality out of the sub when you install it.

    A woofers sound will change some after break in but it will do it over a course of a few weeks of normal play too.

    I have noticed Kicker subs change a lot after break in. Get lower and sound more robust after they loosen up.

    thats what happened to my dreadnaut

    I noticed as I was breaking in my Kicker Comps, they seemed to move more on the same amount of power, I can't comment on loudness though. I just did it free air.

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