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Posts posted by SnowDrifter

  1. can some one download this song and send to me.

    Check on the youtube link. There is a download to the .wav file I used in the video info. :santa:

    Not bad but never really cared for the song too much. :(

    What does the song peak at?

    Hey, thanks. Do you have any suggestions for better songs? As for peaking... I'm not sure, how can I check?

    just so you know, just before 16 seconds, it clips

    You are absolutely right! I need to be more careful next time. I guess it comes with being a :noob: at this stuff...

  2. IN my opinion..yes i think they are a money thing..sure people SHOULDN'T speed but if someone dose speed through a camera and doesn't know..they could still down the road kill somebody, if a cop was there he could have stopped them..i don't think they save life's shit i slow down for them then speed right back up (i never do much over but hate driving like an old lady)

    You and me both. Driving above is also a safety thing. It is safer to go the speed of traffic - the speed 90% of the folks around me are expecting me to go. The last thing I want is to get rear ended by some driver who was texting and wasn't expecting some one to be going slower than everybody else

  3. I hate them... I just wish the cops would do their job instead of creating this "automated traffic safety program" all around town (which should be re written as an automatic revenue generation program). :worthless:

    Adding to my frustration is that my neighborhood is across the street from a school, inside of the lights that say to slow down to 20mph such that I can't see them when I leave in the mornings. The cameras are in sync with the signs, and they are both turned on early and left on late. I got a ticket the other day for going 27 in a 20 (which is normally 35 except for the school zone times). :dammit:

    Then there are the red light cameras that flash me if I pull an inch over the stop line so I can see traffic enough to safely make a right turn on red....

    It is VERY frustrating...

    \rant over

  4. you're trying to take pictures and videos with the built in webcam?


    it should already be pre installed if its a laptop... you just have to search your computer for it...

    Nope, not in this case. That's what I thought. There are only drivers. (The camera works for skype, youtube, etc...)

    I got a Dell and I just click Dell webcam lol...a google search for PC pic apps is best

    I tried, the ones that I found sucked.

    Does anybody know of any decent ones that are free?

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