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Posts posted by SnowDrifter

  1. Depends if you need the extra voltage capability or feature set the dd-1+ offers.

    tl;dr, dd-1+ does 200v amps, real time display of gain overlap and voltage. dd-1 is binary on/off and depends on different amplitude sine wave files to set gain to what you want.

    Realistically, dd-1+ should do you well unless you're working with tremendously large or strapped amps. The other features of a dd-1+ are I think more suited for a shop environment (makes documentation easy, no going through lots of tracks, etc) or someone who's always tinkering with their system.

  2. 1. Stop keyboard yelling. We are a public forum. A tantrum is more apt to be ignored. No one wants to carry on a conversation with an angry man-child. This goes for all your posts. We are not your enemy.

    2. Lest it be forgotten, we are still in the middle of an epidemic, economic crisis, and social unrest. Many still work from home. Sundown may or may not be there to answer phones. Email continues to be the best route of communication in these times.




    --- all points below need to be answered. If you skip one because you don't feel like answering it, I'll skip the thread because I don't feel like helping ---



    3. Shitty is subjective. Describe in clear, concise detail, what your issues are. Re-state them clearly.

    4. What are the specs on your box? 36hz tells little. Post measurements, 3d models, pictures, etc. Give us enough information that someone could build a 1:1 copy of your box.

    5. How is the box mounted in your vehicle?

    6. What vehicle do you have? Do you maintain the original radio, or have you installed an aftermarket unit?

    7. How is the LOC installed? Give enough information here that if given the same vehicle, I could replicate your install here down to the smallest detail, including any settings on your LOC.

    8. What method, if any, did you use to set your gain and crossovers, and how was this validated?

    9. What are you using for wiring, and how is this done? Have you verified any voltages?

    10. What steps, if any, have you taken for diagnosis of your issue?

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