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Everything posted by meade916

  1. Props to Jimmy Norris from my facebook page for hookin me up with a re-jailbreak! So now i am really glad i didnt drop the extra cash on the Ipad 3g - got my MY-Wi back! (tethering and free (i should say "already paid for") 3g FTW) 1. plug your iphone into your computer and open itunes. 2.backup your phone in itunes by right clicking on the iphone logo on the left side of the itunes window. 3. after your phone is done backing up. update your phone to the newest firmware (3.1.3) if its not already up to date 4. Once thats done. download this programs on your computer. Site to download Spirit for Windows - http://spiritjb.com/win Site to download Spirit For Mac - http://spiritjb.com/mac 5. open the program. 6. if you did everything right the program should say your iphone is in firmware 3.1.3. if it does click the bottom that says jailbreak and then just wait till your phone boots till the side to unlock screen. don't touch your phone till its done! (you will see some weird shit pop up on the screen don't worry about it.) 7. once your phone is done you should have an app called cydia. open it 8. once you open it on the bottom off the screen there will be a tab called manage(book logo). click it. 9. click Sources. at the top right of the screen click the button that says Edit. then click the button on the top left of the screen that says add. 10. In the text box type this http://sinfuliphonerepo.com then click "add source" button. you will get a pop up that says all this garbage about how its breaks copy right laws blah blah blah just click "add anyway button". a black screen will come up just let it do its thing and once its done click "Return to cydia" 11. When you get back to cydia click the button on the top left of the screen that says done. 12. click the thing that says "SiNfuL iPhone Repo" 13. scroll down to the "M" section and find the app called "MyWi Cracked". Click it. 14. Click the button on the top left of the screen that says Install. then click the button on the top left of the screen that says confirm. 15. let it do its thing. and when its done click the button that says "restart springboard" 16. when your phone reboots you have the MyWi app for free. im pretty sure you have used that before so you should be good.
  2. just did it for you...in the future, click the media button and then drop the link right in there.....done deal!
  3. its all good lol at least you feel me though.....i dont think i have EVER seen a mic, no matter how ragedy, that wasnt calibrated to .10 of the TL
  4. whats proof to you? the guy with the TL? or the guy with the wanabee TL that is "calibrated to 1db off" LOL. its just a little thing i did and has nothing to do with your real number - its not that serious.
  5. hmmm i guess some of you already have member titles....oh well if you take them off, your DB will show LOL.
  6. here is what it takes to gain DB here in your member rank - dont be spamming it up to get more DB or i will DQ you and drop you back to N()()B status also, there is a "pip" or round dot thing for which i am planning on gettin new icons for but there is one more for each rung on the ladder Forum N()()B 0 120db 10 125db 100 130db 300 135db 500 140db 750 145db 1000 150db 1500 155db 2000 160db 2500 165db 3500 170db 4500 175db 6000 180db 10000
  7. thats fu#cking so cool that almost all of you like it! I cant wait for the real album to get finished and of course the CHP album is also the shit too (as ive stated a few times lol)
  8. Psyph gotta demo the other day i just realized i didnt post the vid on this forum
  9. i forgot to post this up here! psyph got to test ride some of his tracks in the Hoe the other day up at Chickens.
  10. ya i was having a "good bass day"...some days it just feels and LOOKS louder then other days hahah.....oh and that steering wheel is no camera trick.
  11. Had a few visitors from Washington come by for a demo - i dont think i let them down
  12. im not sure what you mean by fade away noise......but thanks, i think thanks man!!!! the cam still dont pick up the true colors and what your eyeball see's in person though
  13. here is a little somethin from yesterday and the day before..... Psyph gotta nother' demo up at CHP so i gotta work on that video next!
  14. psyph dont make the beats, Dee does.....and he probably wont change anything so dont hold your breath on that one LOL!
  15. TTT for the youtubers lookin for it! enjoy! if we run outa bandwith lemme know ill get a new link up ASAP!
  16. saw that one too and i agree 1000% that shit was DOPE.
  17. yes, but again, i have no plans to install it in my Hoe....the ipad is cool and all but the Mac Mini is better.
  18. even though i have an Ipod and an Iphone, and basicly dont need it, i still couldnt resist! No, they arent 3G - first of all, i will use my MyFi on my Iphone for a hotspot and save the $20 a month on that service......second of all, i wanted to get my lady one as well and that already doubles my price. So before anyone bitches that i didnt get the best one, keep in mind i dropped $1400 in one sitting on these so i paid my share LOL. and no, i am not planning on taking out my Mac-Mini and instalilng this......the Mac Mini works GREAT the way it is Also, this thing has bluetooth so if i wanna play tunes from it on my system i can do it from my lap over my pioneers bluetooth. anyway so far its kinda fun to play with and my iphone now seems 120% smaller
  19. your not serious are you? This has to be a joke. please do not make another thread like this again. Feel free to beg on your own site though.
  20. i was thinkin about this today - whether its going 1mph over the speed limit, not stopping 100% at a right turn on a red light, turning your beat up just a little (not even crankin it but loud "enough").....etc. It dont even have to be traffic related...maybe your 20 and you had a beer or your 16 and you looked at computer pron LOL - I think its almost impossible to go a full day without breaking some law, no matter how small it is. I think i broke the law like 5 times already today and i probably got more in me after i get off work LOL. ***please dont incriminate yourself if your "crime" was something serious...im talkin the little stuff we all do that no one takes very serious (ie 1mph over the speed limit etc)
  21. these guys are doing BIG things up in Delaware!! Welcome Defiant Audio! Of course, Hit up their shop if your in the area! Guys (D/A) when you see this, please post your info so people know how to find you!
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