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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. As the title says I'm stopping my build. I'm going to be moving in a couple months so continuing the build would make no sence. Besides that I need the money more than anything. I do want to say thanks for all the input and stuff, really helped me in deciding on what to get. I will be selling the 2-12" hifonics subs and the T3 5x7 coaxials. Think I'm going to post them on craigslist instead of on here, I don't have a paypal nor am I going to get one. But hell if anyone wants them PM me. I'll still be lurking around and lookin at the different builds, hell when I get my apartment I may do something fun there. Maybe I'll get lucky after this move and be able to get another build going, till then I'll just have to sit back and get ideas.
  2. Ok first off didn't say I was friends with her again, thats going to take more than just talking to me after 3 months. Second I am not going to hurt her no matter how bad she deserves it, I would never hit any girl. I was planning on leaving that job anyways, but didn't go as I planed. Oh well, I'm not one to hold a grudge. As long as I keep both these jobs I got now and save the money, I'll be out of here by the end of August. And wont have to see her again, till then I'm just gonna go with the flow.
  3. We talked a little more today. Kinda weird in a way, cause we talked just like we did before out little falling out. Which is cool, wont talk as much as we used too tho. Guess we will see what happens next, but now I'm off to my other job....rather go home and sleep...tired as hell!
  4. when they get old enough im giving 3 away, the last one is coming with me to st louis
  5. Noticed a little bit ago one of my cats running towards an area she never goes to so i followed. I got there she was, noticed that she was hidding behind an old a/c unit. When I got closer she kinda growled at me, looked behind her. Thats when I saw 4 kittens 2 of which are white with grey spots and 2 grey. I tried to get pics but its late in the day. I'll get more thurday, gotta work a double tomorrow.
  6. Who knows man, I'm sure I'll find out since I'll be spending more time up here between the two jobs.
  7. Sitting up here at Panera killing time between jobs, I just had a short conversation with the person who helped me lose my job at this place I'm sitting at now. Funny thing was, we talked as if nothing bad went down. It was all freindly and shit. I'm sure we would of talked longer but her bf was here and she had to go. Yes this is that Ford chick I told ya'll bout a while back. Guess thats cool that we can talk again, really didn't wanna leave here if there was still trouble between us. Well I would of left anyways, but ya know what I mean. Ok sorry I know this was random but it was just kinda weird to me.
  8. This new job is pretty going to be short lived, while at my first job I got to thinking and decided that moving back to Cali really wasn't going to be worth it. So I'm going to move back home instead. I know I can transfer my job at bdubs but I'm not sure about my job at Pasta House...hopefully I can but since this is my second day i really don't think I can. I hope to leave next month and be back there before my next bday which at the end of July.
  9. I find that funny. I'm not a manger of any sort, not cause I'm a lazy s.o.b which I'm not. It's cause I don't kiss any one's ass to make it up the corporate ladder. I work damn hard and will continue to do so. I've seen people younger than me who are more conserned with parting than working get better perks at work than me, only cause they kiss up to the managers. I will never stoop that low to get up in this world. So go ahead and say those who aren't in manegemnt at our ages. Your wrong.
  10. Sure its a career if ya think about it. Ya get up early, slave away for those who don't appreciate you for no pay then ya go home ready to pass out till dinner is ready. Then ya get up and do it all over again tomorrow. there is no slaving away at school, unless being a slave no involves sitting a chair and having air conditioning all day. as for pay, the pay your getting is an education, which helps to prepare you to become a contributing member of society. My school didn't have a/c all we did was open windows and used fans. Sure the pay is in education but in my case that was close to nothing. I went from one school to another in the middle of the school year, what I had just got done learning at the one school they was just starting it at the new one. Also this new school was a tech high school, my major was in computer information systems. Only time I learned something was my junior year. My senior year we got all new computers and stuff, none of which was set up before the end of the school year. Oh that transfer of schools is what got me my credits to graduate. Thinking bout those kids I went to school with is kinda scary thinking they are now a contributing member of society.
  11. OP I agree with ya tho, when I graduated it did feel sureal. Probally cause I graduated before most of my class. I had all my credits before the end of the first semister. No it wasn't cause I'm smart, as you can probaly tell by my wonderful spelling.
  12. Sure its a career if ya think about it. Ya get up early, slave away for those who don't appreciate you for no pay then ya go home ready to pass out till dinner is ready. Then ya get up and do it all over again tomorrow.
  13. Ok forget about goin back to Cali, think I'll have better luck with everything if I just go back home.

    1. mr.p


      Might want to think about goin....BALLSDEEP

  14. Just learned of a new job thats closer to home. It a job as a mail sorter at the local post office. Think I'm going to try for that, I heard it starts out at 12 an hour or something. That would really be nice, specially if its full time. One of my grandma's brothers worked for the post office for 35 years or so. Far as I know he had a good retierment.
  15. Today was my first day at the new job. Wasn't too bad, but next time I work I'll be on my own. Only down side is that I'll be making min. wadge which is 7.25. Kinda funny cause my other job I'm making 8.00. Oh well, it's more money and thats what I need right now.
  16. I'm sure it will, especially since it's going to be in one of my favorite places I've been
  17. You'll love the feeling of having your own place. I know the feeling, I had my own place once. Lost it due to losing my job and not finding another for like 2 months. Thats why I'm where I'm at now.
  18. I'll be using this extra money for my move sometime this year. Was thinking bout moving around August but now that doesn't seem possible. I'll be getting an apartment at some point.
  19. Went from barely breaking even to hopefully making a little money
  20. Wish it worked that way, I graduated back in '99 and still get very few hours. Thats why I'm working 2
  21. Congrats on your job, and yes it was a great ending to my week
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