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Everything posted by hershy314

  1. I have decided for sure to head back to the St Louis area, just not sure when yet. Partly cause of my friends and family up there, but also cause I want to go back to school. Sure we got colleges here, but they aren't that great. I don't know what school I'll go to as of yet, mainly cause I don't know what to take. I'm lookin at goin to ITT-TECH or a school like that. Maybe even do a few online classes...who knows. I know I want something that I can make a good living at, and where I get to work with my hands. I'm pretty good with computers and electronics....haven't really had a problem I couldn't figure out. I know theres a lot I don't know and figure going to school would teach me more. Then again I do have a love for the automotive field, weather it be audio, engine, or whatever. Decesions are never easy. Any thoughts to make it easier?
  2. I think I'm leaning towards moving. Just need to figure out how much to set a side for the move. Selling the car will only get me 1200 max. hmmm
  3. Well ya may have a point there, in 20 years I'll be in my 50's. This area really isn't that bad, but its a tourist trap. Durring the summer its quite nice, but come winter this place is dead. I mean I gotta drive 10+ miles just to get a loaf of bread. I'm used to being able to walk up the street to get what I need. I mean really, I'd spend about 2-3 dollars in gas just for a $1.50 loaf of bread. What kind of since does that make? Yeah no matter where I go people will piss me off, but back home more people know me and most know last thing ya wanna do is piss me off. I'm not a violent person, but I will not back down either.
  4. Well thats a tough one cause I'm payin out the ass in gas to get to and from work. Payin nearly $10 a day just in gas, and driving 5-6 days a week that adds up quick. Where as if I go home I wont have to worry bout gas, but I would have to pay my rent and such which would be higher no doubt. On the plus side I'd probly get in better shape with out a car lol.
  5. Ok I could use a little help here making up my mind. Past few days I've really been thinking bout heading back home. Problem with that tho is I would have to sell my car not only to finace the move but cause my license in Missouri is suspened till I take care of a few things. Plus having a system in a major city would probally attract some unwanted attention from local police. That would be the last thing I'd want. Now if I stay here, I'd get to keep my car....keep piecing together the system for it....also have free room and board. Downside I would have to live in the middle of no where. That part is not cool with me, I grew up in the city so thats what I know. People around here tend to piss me off, where as back home its easier to avoid those who piss ya off. Home is where my family and a small group of people I can call my friends. Anyone near St Louis on here?
  6. i noticed today that my rear wheels looked a little off so i messured the wheelbase just to make sure things were still good. now the wheelbase on my car should messure 106 inch. but when i messured it, it was slightly off by bout a quarter inch or less. not too worried, just odd.
  7. i bought mine from audiosavings, recived them 2 days later...oh the shipping was free too
  8. nope, thought i'd play it safe. i'd spend less money that way lol
  9. well im going to save and get a pair of dc 12" lvl 3 subs. a 18" wont work to well in my car
  10. yeah wall are pretty cool, but a lot of work and expensive. something to think about, even tho i still haven't got my 2 12's hooked up yet.
  11. yeah id have to do a wall, and imo that would just look kinda dumb with only 1 18
  12. now if only i had the money, course i think even one 18 would take up and bunch of room in my trunk
  13. I contacted the owner just for shits and giggles, he says that the trans works fine in 1st and 2nd but slips alot in 3rd and 4th. Reverse works also, but slips a little. So yeah it will need a new trans soon. Really sucks but its whatever. He can get someone who has the time to fix it to buy it. I can do it, but I need a vehicle to get to and from work and this wouldn't get me there very well. Since it won't do over 40mph really. I did have a crazy idea, I do happen to have a low mileage motor and trans just sitting in a rotting pos. Hmmm 351w in a reg cab Ranger? Jk.
  14. Yeah true I know that I wanna move onto a truck and get rid of the Taurus. What I will get is anyones guess.
  15. I'm no mechanic but I do what I can to keep my car on the road so I do know a few things. My grandpa was a mechanic for like 30 years so maybe he can look at it too.My link
  16. I was going through craigslist lookin for a truck for sale, when I came across a 1995 Ford Ranger reg. cab for trade. The truck has a 4 cyl (good on gas) automatic trans and thats bout it. Far as I can tell it has no power windows or locks. My main concern is that the truck has 216k on it and has transmission problems. Could be a simple trans filter change for all I know. I'll def get more info on this thing later. Also my car is worth bout 300-400 dollars more than this truck. What do ya guys think? Should I inquire about it or move on to something else?
  17. I know people around here drive like they are texting all the time, yet 95% of them are just driving. I don't text and drive myself but I have used my phone for calls while driving. If I do get a text I'll wait till I'm where I'm going or if its important I'll pull over and reply. Hope this is a wake up call to those who text and drive. Ya may not be as lucky as this girl was.
  18. Welcome dude, ya got a talent for custom rides. That S10 is by far the best ya done so far.
  19. Really the Taurus wasn't meant to be a fast car by any means. I own a Taurus myself and honestly I think its a great car. It could use some balls for sure, but they handle great. The other day I hit a corner going 80 and the car went around as if I was going 45, it was just so smooth. If you wanna do a swap then by all means do it, but I like the idea of the Miata with a Ford V8 in it.
  20. IMO if you drop a chevy motor in a Ford, you should be shot twice lol
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