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Everything posted by 96burban

  1. Yeah exactly what I was thinking with that amount might as well just get another actuator that will b faster.
  2. The ones I saw were small and very cheap looking. Plus they are coming from China and take almost a month to get here. With a decent transformer he will be able to expand on his amp rack in the future if he wishes. Expand u say???
  3. yeah ur right this is exactly what i need....but too much money for my taste....but if thats what its gonna take i guess im gonna have to save....you guys think its worth the money??? Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you are spending all that money on quality audio equipment and are going the extra mile of making a motorized amp rack, what's another 100 bucks to do the job right? I understand. But like u said. "on quality audio equipment" and budget is tight. I've built my car over about 1-2 years time so it wasn't all at once. I dont have $100 to spend on something that will make my amp move a little bit faster. Sorry,., I wish I did though! Haha
  4. yeah ur right this is exactly what i need....but too much money for my taste....but if thats what its gonna take i guess im gonna have to save....you guys think its worth the money???
  5. this is very true also. best off to just have the batts not connected to system and connect them seperatly to a small batt charger to the DC to AC converter i have installed. that would work right?? and just get a volt meter to c when i need to charge it?
  6. and i dont wanna spend more than $60 but i will go $70 MAX if not ill just deal with the speed.
  7. yeah i was thinking the same thing. but then that would cause me more voltage drop...cuz right now im passed border line with my alt. cuz i have an SAZ-3500 and a small 300 watt amp for mids. and 2 batts. on a DC Power OEM series 190 amp. wouldnt that affect my voltage and force the alt more to charge 2 more batts??
  8. i know this might not be the correct area to be posting this but it seemed like the closest one to the subject haha. anyways. i just got 2 actuators that run on 24 Vlt DC power. but i do not have such power source. i do have 2 batteries in the truck but they put out 12 Vlt together for the sound system. the actuators do function on just 12 Volts but the are SUPER SLOW!! so i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what i could do to get 24 volts without touching the batts. Are there any kinds of converters?? please let me know! thanks!
  9. Hey guys I was wondering if any knows where I can send or take my plexi piece to engrave a bunch of brands onto it to use in my car. Does anyone know how much it would cost to fill a most of the blank on the plexi with about 8 brand engravings on a piece about 24"x7"? Thanks!
  10. Dude just pure amazing! Love it. U did great blending the doors in! U do great upholstery also! Just pure awesome! Keep it up man!
  11. well im sorry! ive never sold anything on SMD! i just wanted the listing to be seen by more people, to have a higher chance of selling on ebay. thats all i wanted.
  12. They r my brothers rims that lives in Miami. I have a hard time communicating with him. He doesn't know how to Post up any of this stuff. And I took these pics when I was down there for ebay. Sooooo it's gonna b kinda difficult for me to do so....I just want to have this as an add for my eBay posting. No deal making or anything through SMD. If anyone wants to make deals I just give them my phone number.
  13. Even though I'm really selling them on eBay? Cuz the only way I selling them is if bought through eBay no where else
  14. Thanks man I really appreciate it compliments man! Thanks man I hope so too. Thanks man I highly appreciate this!
  15. Awesome thanks man! Thanks for lettin me work on Ur jeep then! Can't wait for that!
  16. Thanks man I really appreciate it! And I deff will let u guys know when that will b exactly! Thanks!
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