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Status Updates posted by Bakerman

  1. OMG...Space Jam is on TV...Peace Out!!!

  2. Omw to here yu-kong with richard nd frankenstien with EXO. I also get to see the ratrodder, as well as meet joe hacker. Demo vids comin up!

    1. n8ball2013


      Im not sur ewhat the big deal with exo is. Ask him what he's ever built on his own. See that van minus the wall.

  3. On my way to columbia, cruisin w/ some psyph...man I miss my bass!

  4. Peace out people. Been a long and stressful day. Goin to lay down and get lost in a movie.

  5. Peace through pain is precious, especially when its done by you...

  6. People entice you for one of two reasons. A) They want to get a negative reaction out of you so they can use it against you to cause you to lose the things closest to you...in which case a smile nd a nice comment will absolutely puzzle them. B) They only do so because they know/think you wont do anything back. In other word they can freely walk all over you...in this case you just completely snap, and drive them in the dirt. They will fear you for life.The hardest part is distinguishing fr...

  7. People in television are always trying to win an emi...i'd much rather have a hemi.

  8. Phone is not working. So sorry to anyone who msy try to contact me...ill have it fixed ASAP!

  9. Rain and thunder always makes me think of jurassic park.

  10. Really bored, and tired of the internet. Gonna go shower, and get dressed...maybe go to work a little bit early.

  11. Remember back in the day when you used to hate controllers b/c they would always get tangled up...but now you hate controllers because they are always getting lost like the tv remote.

  12. Saw a homelss girl on the street, so i stopped and asked her if i could take her home. Of course she said yes. You should have seen the expression on her face when i grabbed the box and ran away.

  13. Say what you want about me...either way, youre still thinking about me. ;)

  14. Saying "Im gonna delete my account" is like threatening suicide. We all kno if you were really gonna do it, you wouldnt tell everybody first. All you want is some attention.

  15. Screw it bro...I'm building a wall. 2 15's tuned at 30hz!

  16. Shower, Laundry, and then Bed.

  17. Sleep now in the fire...

  18. Sleeping is my drug, my bed is my dealer, and the alarm clock is the police.

  19. Slept wonderful...really needed that few extra hours today.

  20. Smile upon my face like everything's okay...

  21. So aggravating when someone posts a long meaningful status, and when you are halfway through reading it, your homepage decideds to refresh, and the status dissapears. To lazy to find it and finish reading.

  22. So bored...guess I'm gonna go to bed.

  23. So freakin bored...

  24. So i just saw a video from Dillon, SC on TruTV. A city cop got in a pursuit back in march of 07 and ended up running over the male driver. Lol.

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