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Status Updates posted by Bakerman

  1. So, me nd my dad are working on my wall when my mom walks out to the shop, looks at my car, then at me nd asks, "Son, is your car ever gonna look normal again?"_NotAnyTimeSoon_

  2. Anybody wanna hit up daytona at SBN with md this year? Gotta start planning early!

  3. So i just saw a video from Dillon, SC on TruTV. A city cop got in a pursuit back in march of 07 and ended up running over the male driver. Lol.

  4. A crow is the physical manifestation of a soul that died in vein, or without reason.

  5. So, I have a five year old, whom insists on watching the GAMECOCKS play ball tonite. I guess this is God's way of getting me back.

  6. Its about time for some more ink...

  7. So, I guess I'm gonna start taking out the back seat tomorrow.

  8. "Never give up, never show weakness, and never show mercy."

  9. My little girl just dropped her head and said, "daddy, I don't wanna watch the GAMECOCKS no more..."

  10. Christmas morning working the streets...

  11. Well people, I'm out...lets see if I can conjure up enough happiness to go around to everybody. If they don't want it, then they can just die from sadness...won't hurt my feelings!

  12. We need to get the bous back over at the house next weekend. Cookout for everybody 12.14.12

  13. is pissed b/c apparently people like to "remember when" and I now have 200+ emails from facebook.

  14. I refuse to wait for the fullfilment of empty wishes nd promises. This is my last time laying myself in your arms. You use me nd get mad that im never there for you, but when i need you most, you are too busy to be there.

  15. 94.3 is off the chain today...playin the tunes i grew up with!

  16. If you got a smart phone, look up ChatMap by YodaLab. Pretty cool app.

  17. Do-OverI like a woman with light skin, freckles, long straight red hair, bright red lips, and beautiful eyes!

  18. People in television are always trying to win an emi...i'd much rather have a hemi.

  19. Hey, how do I claim that paypal credit for that vid of morrison's new song "dope"?

  20. This is a world built on promises, with a foundation layed by liars.

  21. Watching "Wall Street". I love netfilx!

  22. Don't know who all i pissed off, but I don't care...

  23. Happy Fathers day to the greatest dad ever Jimmy Baker

  24. Sleeping is my drug, my bed is my dealer, and the alarm clock is the police.

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