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Everything posted by Babyjuice

  1. Make sure the window is wet and go at a almost flat angle. Im a window cleaner and that's how we do it
  2. They don't have them.
  3. Ahhh I might as well just buy some cheap Ass batts for the mean time
  4. Ahhh I might as well just buy some cheap Ass batts for the mean time
  5. Would that basically put it to partial new state and hold a normal charge? How would you build one of these contraptions?
  6. You just confused me lol. Can you explain it a little better what you meant please? Sorry.
  7. Idk I didn't take the time to look lol...ooops. well then I guess I have to get golf cart batteries ughhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk me
  8. Now im just gonna have to figure out how to wire them? And do they have to be deep cycle?
  9. Can anybody give me a definitive answer on switching to 48 volts?
  10. My gfs dad has a couple briggs and straton motors, but for the mean time I want to put batteries in there and get it running. Do you think 48 volts will fuck anything up on a 42 volt set up?
  11. What kind of batteries does it need? Can I use 6 volt sealed lead acid batteries for it? Theyre only 35 bucks a peace
  12. Yeah I know they aren't cheap lol. I got a free golf cart with dead batteries :'(
  13. Ok, so I have a western caddilac golf cart with dead batteries resting at 2 volts right now. First question is, can I charge them back to 6 and be fine? Second is, its a 42 volt system so it has 7 6 volt batteries, I went to Napa and a golf cart shop and they quoted me 800 for new batteries. I wanted to know if there was a cheaper way to get this thing running? Any help is greatly appreciated. Ps. After I get it running I plan on putting a system in it
  14. I need the one for the actual headunit to the vehicle harness.
  15. I just looked at darvex. I might have missed it, im going to go look again. And its for a 03 ford f250. Im gonna feel dumb if Its on darvex. :'(
  16. I need a new wire harness for my 3100dvd. I looked on google and didn't find any( im on mobile so that might be the reason ) . So where could I get one from online?
  17. Not strapped, just curious if they would do a discount that's all.
  18. I know this might be ghetto, asking if its possible to get a discount on 4 of these subs because they are only 105 a piece. But I am curious if it would be possible? Im not asking for a big discount, just something so I can purchase them a little sooner and save some money for other stuff for my truck. Any Info or help is appreciated.
  19. Just curious, but will this deal go on after march is over? Or is it only the shipping upgrade that ends after march? I want to get both but won't have enough money for another 2 weeks.
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