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Posts posted by uhoh_45

  1. so im out listening to new cd and its going for like 5 mins then i decide to go inside grab camera cause i was going go back out and make a video but get side tracked on the computer and so im just chillin here and like 5 mins later i hear some one walkin up the front of the house and someone rings the door bell, i already knew who it was.... it was the cops 2 cars 2 guys so they ask to come in talk to me so fine whatever they come in tell me whats up and asked what i was doing and i made up some bullshit excuse that i was testing my new batteries and blah blah blah and all this crap so they go on about how my musics to loud and that it wasnt any neighbor that was close but one from way down the road or some shit so after all that's said and done they go on to tell me that its a 250$ fine the next time there out then a 500$ fine the next then a 750$ fine the next and finally a criminal charge if they are called out 4 times

    so im polite to them and say sorry and all this crap and yeah they leave and i go upstairs and look out the window and there staring into the explorer so im like fuck i gotta grab my ipod anyways so i go out and one the officers comes up and is like can i get a look in there pokes his head in and nearly shits a brick when he sees the wall so they were cool bout it and this so it wasnt to bad but its still a piss off when neighbors cant come up to me in person and tell me to turn it down/off like i got an anonymous letter in the mail telling me to keep the music down and all this crap and when my mom seen it she laughed and said "if they dont have the balls to tell you in person dont turn it down" so i went on that and yeah thats pretty much the end of my rant

    thanks for readin

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