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Posts posted by Dwn4BassAlan

  1. 10273966_793208964033002_323520577879312

    Was on chat support with a local community college to see if I could knock out some useless gen eds for cheap this summer and that stupid thing wouldn't let me change my password. Directions only said "Must be 8-characters long and be alpha numeric." I tried everything and it said didn't meet criteria...support guys says it can't spell anything, numbers can't be on beginning or end, and no repeating letters. This is the first password I've ever had to write down........

  2. You can get the player to embed if you use the share link from the tab underneath the video so they play like this^.

    Also; I'm skeptical there's any amount of money I would take to eat a cactus. 8 years of braces; I can't stand mouth pain...let alone lip, gum, esophagus, stomach, & intestinal tract pain all those spines would cause for a while lol.

    He has a vid of the aftermath taking a dump; I bet it wouldn't be very nice lol.

  3. USA Navy railgun coming 2016

    With enough power, the Navy’s gun can hurl a 23-pound projectile over 100 miles at speeds of up to Mach 7 (roughly 1.5 miles per second).

    got batts?


    Same railgun hit the world record a few years ago with 33 megaJoules at the muzzle.

    (as a reference 1 megajoule is about the same amount of energy as a 1 ton car going 100mph carries)

    Wonder if it does more now?

    And not just batts, talk about got magnets?

  4. Alan posted the picture that elicited the response from gunnem, to which I replied. So....

    You know, lol. I'm talking to gunnem about Alan

    Oh, well hate to break the news to ya then, I happen to already be 19 years and 6 months to the day. Since my b-day is oct. 24th. Happy half-birthday to me.

    Which also means I've been (legally) operating a motor vehicle for exactly 4 years to the day.

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