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Posts posted by audiofanaticz

  1. I just started with Whey, and some pre-workout, also got 2 different packs of vitimans Im taking from GNC too. Muscle recovery was horrible for a while, just constant burning sensations everywhere. Seems the Whey is really helping with that now.
    Only thing that sucks is its my friends buddies gym, but he has the code for the keys so Im able to go when they are closed and when Im free and when my friend isnt working, and he is the one pushing me as well.
    Im starting to get more comfortable now and the gym opens up at 5 so Ill probably start going during normal hours when Im still awake sooner or later.
    Though it amazes me some of these tiny checks doing crossfit are lifting pretty decent weight, some more than I can. LOL
    My arms are hella weak (depending on which way I am using them, legs have always been fairly strong. 15 years ago they where legit from skating all the time. Then I got lazy and fat...

  2. 5 hours ago, Miguels said:

    i get 12 reps. legs get strong fast

    baby steps.

    Im only able to get to the gym 2-3 times a week and have only been going for a little over a month, but every time I go is leg day to some extent. Some days are less than others though and focus on upper body.
    That was after my 4th set of 10's, increasing weight each set. 270,360,450, 490 (which is where I normally would have stopped), and then the 3 reps of 540.
    I could probably get more out at higher weight if I havent being doing hack squat sets before. That Im 90lbs lower on every set compared to the leg press with those though.

  3. My Hoes rear end is beat worse than a ratchet stripper, but that dont mean it still cant demo in the drive way.
    Neighbors came out bitching from 2 short demos 10 seconds each. LOL
    That is user wannabe from the forums when he came to pick up his new box.
    Not sure who is more excited him or the fire extinguisher between the seats LOL



    • Like (+1 Rep) 6
  4. 10 hours ago, OrzechNJ said:

    Image may contain: 2 people, text

    No joke I lost a life long friend for the most part for telling him to get a dna test done.

    He started seeing this new chick that was "getting a divorce" but still live with her husband even though she said they were separated.
    She moved to our city months later which is about 2 hours away from where she lived previously once she said she was pregnant.

    Meanwhile he got locked up for a couple months for not taking care of his fines and his mom (that doesnt live with him) "apparently" made her move out of his place because she couldnt take the stress and she ended up staying at some dudes house in another town 40 minutes away (which is only 1hr 20minutes from her previous place with her husband).


    I told him straight up she is no good, and its probably not yours especially if she moved out of your apartment where only you two lived and now lives with some random dude in another city. There is something going on there that she isnt being up front about.
    My buddy is finally coming around a little bit, but still seems like he is somewhat pissed off because I told him what he didnt want to realize.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  5. Typically rubber grommets will not stop anything from happening, unless your using an isolate type mount (meaning the bolt that connects to the wood amp rack is not the same bolt being connected to the amp). Otherwise the vibrations will travel through the fastener itself. The rubber needs to be very very very soft as well or else it wont absorb any vibration, and even then if its a violent system it still may not do anything.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  6. Hmm, thought he said that he was just disabling it and just wanted to see if it worked..

    I dont agree with intrusive ads, let alone multiple video ads all playing at once

    The no adblock thing or no viewing the site method doesnt work and I am against it 100%, but its not my decision to make.

    Forbes and some other sites did similar things before dropping Alexia ratings big time for views and disabled them.

    So I guess until the site takes a larger hit than its 2,655 points down that it is here to stay.


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