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Posts posted by audiofanaticz

  1. I'm hoping someone can chime in on this because I used a high end LOC and still couldn't use the DD-1 properly on a stock unit. Tony never did clear this up but here is the video if you can make it out.

    Because you are using a generic LOC, almost every LOC is instant distortion before you even turn the volume up.

    I have tested several makes/models of LOCs from Axxess, Pac, Metra, Scosche, and so many more generic brands and brands I cant even remember.

    All of them the same way and had the distortion light illuminate on the DD-1 with the LOC knobs all the way down and little to no volume.

    The only LOCs that I have found to be clean are the AudioControl units such as the LC2i, which would be your cheapest method for around $65ish shipped.

    SMD/D'amore Engineering had a few prototype LOCs, but they never made it to market yet. Maybe someday but for now the LC2i from AudioControl is what you need.

    There is no speaker wire input on the DD-1, only RCA, and I am not going to use an LOC, the audiocontrol unit accepts speaker wire input, outputs the improved bass via RCA, and also gives a trigger to the amp. Must find the headunit max clean volume level BEFORE connecting the speaker wire input to the Audiocontrol unit.

    The DD-1 should have came with a harness if you bought it new.

    It will either have 2 test probes on it, or a test probe and a mini alligator clamp, or possibly both will be mini alligator clamps.

    This harness plugs into the RCA plug on the DD-1, and you can use that to test the speaker wires.

    Also you dont need to test the speaker wire signal before the LC2i unit.

    You can hook the LC2i up first to the speaker wires, then connect the DD-1 to the LC2i via the rca plugs.

    Then turn the sensitivity/gain knobs all the way down on the LC2i, and then you can play the 40hz 0db track (for subwoofers), or 1khz 0db track (for mid/tweets).

    Once you find the max headunit volume you can then go on and set the sensitivity/gain on the LC2i changing the track to the corresponding overlap you want using the -5db or -10db tracks

    You can even do this with the amp hooked up and the DD-1 connected to the amps speaker output section using the included harness.

    All that should be in the manual (measuring through an amp) I think its called in the manual index.

    The probes should look like one of these.



  2. Wanting to see this country evolve and be better then it once was and seeing all citizens as equals is far from being racist.

    I was a sucker and fell for what he said while campaigning, but after 4 years he has done nothing he said while campaigning so I did not vote for him again.

    Thinking it would be something cool to see a once in a life time thing happen during your existence is not racist.

    Its something that will never be seen by any other generation.
    Your racist for saying that.
    Like I stated I don't care if its a republican, democrat, or liberal, I vote for who I feel is up to the job unlike people that vote by those standards only.

    My ballot is usually mixed between who I feel is right based on my views.

  3. It's just as sexist to vote for a candidate BECAUSE she is a woman. Can't call it only one way.

    Just like it's racist to vote for Obama because he was black. Totally takes away from what the candidates stand for and issues that they champion. Why in the fuck do we put so much emphasis on the things about a candidate that you cant choose or change like sex or skin color rather than their ability to lead our country I'll never figure out.

    Can't make men and women equal with sexism and you can't make races equal with racism.

    How does it make a white guy racist for voting for a black president? LOL

    He talked a good game first term, but he followed through with none of it, so I never voted for him again.

    If I was racist I would have NEVER voted for him, a racist would never want to see a black man in the white house.

    Im not republican, Im not democrat, I vote for what I feel is the right one for the job. I clearly voted for the wrong candidate 2 terms ago even though he won.

    Hillary is full of lies and scandal.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 2
  4. 794c4a0a43ea51efc245913e7fbcf1a50e9473f9

    he actually grabbing pussy not dick.. Hilary is the one with the dick

    Dont worry soon Hillary will be president and fucking every American in the ass and then the feminists will bitch even more when she does nothing for their rights like they think she will do.

    I voted for Obama the first time around. Thought it would be cool to see the first black president in my life time, 2nd term I said fuck that after all his change we can believe in crap he said but done nothing...

    Well Im not making that mistake again, so screw voting for a female president.

  5. They can easily play down to 20hz, iirc they were tested for 8hours at 100watts playing pink noise all the way down to 20hz, but since your running more then rated power to them, I would set it around 60-70hz with a 12db slope since your running more than rated power, but Id make sure to keep it clean power. Test it out with the sub stage off and if you hear any distortion of any kind turn it up slightly more.

    Weren't you using infinity tweeters in addition to the Sundown components, and had issues with tweeters cutting out due to the tweeter protection kicking in?

    I would sure hope those other tweeters are not being ran off the same amp or the sundown passive crossovers because changing the ohm load of the speakers by adding more speakers to the passive crossover network will change the crossover frequency of the passive crossovers and could easily damage the speakers.

  6. deserved it

    I guess I got a conscious and don't agree.

    Even though the car was not following the rules of the road that slower traffic stays right and that the left lane is a passing lane doesn't give the person drive a truck the right to make a pit maneuver taking out the guy in the car which could possibly end his life along with anyone else in that car, or the car in the other lane that almost got struck by the crashing car and the truck...

    Not to mention the fact that tailgating is also illegal.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  7. Holy dead post Batman! I just read the whole damn thing. I got excited about the line driver. Now I want one. Then I saw how old it was. Crap! Any updates?

    He straight up bumped a 4 year old thread then continued to go on about something that is not even related to this thread. LOL

    Prototype HLC-2, yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

    But they wont be made anytime soon if ever at all.

    The price to build and the price to sell them for is fairly high I guess, to the point that most would not buy them when they can get a generic Schoche brand one that is already distorting with low to no signal being played.

    Its a saturated market for generic High to Low converters, and those that are actually willing to spend money would usually go the processor route, unless they where just wanting a signal channel for a subwoofer.


    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  8. I have ran into vehicles already where no matter what you use to clean and prep the spot for deadener it wont stick. I seem to come across it in Dodge/Chrysler vehicles on the floor boards rather often. Its also a weird texture as well.

    I have tried a few brands that I had on hand and none of them stuck decent. Not even gorilla tape wouldnt stick.

    I get emails all the time saying I have a new private message on there, and everytime I look its just ant trying to sell me some oatmeal it seems, or another admin telling me about how great this deal is to pass up.

    Its just a massive marketing spam the users forum there and same with the other sites he bought out.

    Im so glad we dont and will never do the massive private message/email sales pitch here, nor sell out our users emails..


    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  9. I want to add some photos of the mess but photo bucket has so many pop ups I can't even . Better photo host sight sugestions??

    I gave up on photobucket years ago when they started going to shit.

    I pay for a imageshack premium account now, but they also have a fee version too and you can create your account easily by signing up/in with facebook (if you have a facebook account).

    Otherwise a lot of people use http://www.imgur.com too.

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