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Posts posted by audiofanaticz

  1. they are good and all but it seems like when you have something thats free shipping it takes longer..when i bought my t1 it took nearly 2 weeks for it to ship....but cs is very good

    Seems like their items with free shipping have a higher price tag then the other online sellers, which makes up for that FREE shipping cost..

    Kinetik HC2400 for example

    woofersetc = $340.00 with free shipping.

    sonicelectronix = $290.00 + $50.00 shipping.

    Either way your paying the same price, but If its true with the shipping being slower, Id rather go through a company like sonic knowing that Ill get my gear faster. Ive been trying to hunt down the best prices on some hc2400s I need about 6 of them :(

  2. being that i live in houston (where paul wall is from) i get all tha paul wall shit, hes blowing up real big finally

    All I know is that shit was slammin!! But that may just be the eight 12" american bass DX's off of two american bass 150.1s... Last I heard the subs in the car are for sale for $60 a piece. www.soundmekanix.com Is where they are forsale from, Ive been debating on them for a couple days now.

  3. not trying to sound like ass or nuttin but why would they even put peak on the subs if it wasnt needed they put it there meaning that ass much ass the sub can take or even a little more now on steve 4 18" doenst he have 4k watt on each sub and i know them 18"s arent rated rms or max at 4000 or below if u understand

    The Fi BTLs are rated at 2,000 watts rms. However Im not sure on this or not, but I think that the fully loaded BTL will handle more then the stock model BTL becuase the fully loaded btl has advanced options such as

    cooling: which will allow the voice coil to stay cooler at higher volumes for longer periods of times.

    Steve is pushing a lot to his subs, but he is not pushing 4000 watts to each sub constantly.

    You also have to take into consideration that the box matters a lot with what your sub will handle too. If your box is built out of spec the sub will play like crap and will end up risking frying the coils, tearing the tinsel leads, having your cone tear apart from the spider etc. Steve is very expiercenced and qualified in this field and knows what will and wont work.

    Another example so to say is my sub

    Power Handling




    But on the otherhand, when I was browsing the termpro site, I noticed a guy putting over 20,000 watts to one 18 inch sub like mine, and it took it, but again this sub was being used for competition and was only being burped for 5 or so seconds at a time. Peak really isnt needed and putting 20,000 watts to a speaker that says its peak is only 6000 watts proves that.

  4. Looks like it hits pretty good, but you aren't going to get 1200rms @ 4ohms out of 50amps at 14 volts no matter what anybody thinks or says... Not to mention those P2's would melt with that kind of power. 700~ish seems more reasonable.

    exactly what Im saying. I think Chris and I are using the same calculations :lol:

    Right now Im pulling ruffly 650 watts out of a FRIED Kicker KX650.4 LoL

    Gawd do I miss my baby in my car...

    Edit: In the part 2 video your only pushing about 438 watts. but it seems to be rattling your car pretty good :)

  5. soundstream gives birthsheets? thats coo. its wierd power acoustik doesnt then.

    Not SoundSTREAM, they are talking about SoundSTORM, the knock off company....

    Just like there is KenWOOD and KenFORD.....

    Companys like that are the ones that rate their amps with the (if lightning strikes) policy, where they sell their amps with the peak wattage they will do, but will never do unless lightning strikes the amp. Kind of like the Sony Xplode and their 1,100 watt amps....

    But the novice car audio guys dont know the difference.

    Pretty much like Chris said tho, only companys that are on the up and up of things and are CEA complient give out the birthsheets, but their are still tons of higher end companys that dont.

  6. Man I hate you got a ticket, but that look on that cops face...That is F ing Classic...What a toolbox...

    LoL I know... he told me to save the bass for the lanes too. At the sound off in town that was on april 29th he was one of the cops that came out their for noise disturbance because some old lady didnt like the noise and came over telling us to turn it down or she would call the cops.

    It never got turned down of coarse and about 10 minutes later the termlab went down. someone unplugged the cord to the computer, we dont know who did it, but we got a good idea and then the cops showed up rofl....

  7. so you put your gain all the way up? thats not smart.

    No. That amp is expen$ive (I could of bought two rockford ti4000s for the price of it), Im not going to clip it out and burn it up. Even tho I did pop it once due to not enough power... Reason why its not in my car currently because I have made voltage issues and dont need to pop more mosfets. I need to add lots of batteries for it to handle the daily driving abuse..

    it looks like hes a little below halfway.

    Correct. Its a little below half, since Id assume that half way up would be about 3 volts, and my deck is 4volt, so a little below half should ruffly be 4 volts.

    Hence the reason I dont think them gain calculators are too accurate, because if it would be, 54.8 volts should mean setting the gain around 4 volts, and not a fraction of a turn up from the lowest gain setting..

    I just found it interesting that groundpounder had the same issue with them calculators that I had.

  8. http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/setgain.asp

    according to that..........my gains should be set @ 54.8 volts....on the 1500s they are all dead on 54.8 but the bass seams really ...well ..not enough......untill the volume is at damn near full tilt... I set the gains with a 50Hz note...

    I hear that... I made a post on the roe forum about their calculator which is the same as the one on subwoofertools.

    My amp is a SPL Dynamics EXT-3000D.

    Amp specs.

    1 x 1000W @ 4 ohm @ 13.8V

    1 x 2000W @ 2 ohm @ 13.8V

    1 x 3000W @ 1 ohm @ 13.8V

    1 x 4500W @ 1 ohm @ 16.5V

    1 x 9000w @ 2 ohm strapped @ 13.8V

    So when I set my gain too 54.8 volts using a 50hz, 55hz, and a 60hz test tone I couldnt get shit for power out of my amp. I used a really expensive Bluepoint dmm that my buddy bought from Snap on. My head unit is a Alpine CDA-9833 with 4 volt preamp outs, I had my fader and balance in the middle, my subwoofer volume at 8 and my volume at 28, with bass, treble, and midrange at 0.

    Where I had set my gain on the amp according to my dmm was way too low, it was barly up. It was less barly up passed the 6 volt mark on my amp, and 6 volt is the lowest my amp goes, and goes up 0.2 volts. So common sense would tell me that half way up is around 3 volts, and a little below half way up would be 4 volts. So I pretty much used my ear, and not the dmm because I felt that the calculators where misleading. And I know I dont have a cheap or underrated amp.......

    You can kinda make out the readings on the amp but its from my cell phone cuz my digial is broken :(

    This is where my dmm told me too put my gain about at 54.8 volts


    Here is where I ended up putting my gain.


  9. These pics are from the other day when I got pulled over in front of my buddys house for bumping. I called him up and told him to come out side with his camera, and he was cracking up. lol

    So I was wondering if anyone can make me a gif file with these 3 pics, so that they just keep rotating between the 3 pictures below.

    I want pic 1 to be first, and then pic 2, and then pic 3. So it will be kind of in order.

    And if its possible to have each picture rotate to the next one every 6 seconds or so and just keep going through the cycle.

    Its pretty easy to do, and shouldnt take much time I wouldnt think.

    I downloaded a few gif programs, but they all have the stupid trial version crap that goes over the images and looks stupid. So someone with adobe should have no problom

    Id appreciate a lot too :)

    Make sure to get the full size image or whatever too, if not oh well.

    Thanks again.




  10. She is all done for now.

    Another sub Sony Marine sub was ordered the other night, and sometime this week I got to stop out at his salvage yard and look for some decent coaxals to replace the Jensen 6.5s under the rear bench seat.

    Here is the 4 channel amp that he had, no idea what kind it is, but it seems older and Im susprised at how powerful and clean it is. It really makes the Polk Momos scream.


    Here is the Alpine mrp m850 mounted up under the rear seat.


    Both amps mounted.


    Here is one of the motors, and the other motor still isnt in... Its really a pain crawling up on the swim deck, stepping on the motor mount and then stepping back up on the rear seat to get in and out of the boat, I think I lost 20 pounds with just all the extra crawling around..


    A better pics of the batterys and what not under the rear seat.


    Here are the jensen 6.5s under the rear seat that will be soon replaced. Behind the ladder you can see the cover with the 2 air scoops that goes over the engine bay, it makes it so much easier getting on the boat when that is actully on the boat... 05-11-07_2027.jpg

    The wiring mess in the cabin for the cd player. Its mostly cleaned up in this pic compaired to the other pic with wires all over the place.


    The cd player in the cabinet.


    The cabinet back where it belons.


    The new party fridge that Chris, the owner just put in. I had to work around him most the time when he was installing the fridge. But it will keep the beer cold :)


    The other motor just chilling on the floor by his buddys Pantara.


    Some other misc pics of the boat, and the 3 old porches in his heated and a/c "barn" as he calls it...






    Here is the site on the back of the boats, Its called wisconsin party www.wiparty.com to give you an idea of what they do every summer on the lake. I cant wait to go out on the boat with him this year it will be a blast!

  11. Well I brought my digital camera, and got some new batterys for it, and the damn thing still wont turn on.... so more cell phone pics :(

    Here is the sony amp... lol but it met the garbage can last night :)


    The sony amp was replaced with this.




    Just a shot of the batterys, and where the amps are going to be mounted underneath the rear seat.


    More to come tonight, got to be out there in a hour or so to finish up the cleaning of wires, and to mount the hu in the cabinet and what not.

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