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Posts posted by kingsuv

  1. lost me on the coupler why not just sraight all thread sir

    If you do all thread all the way through then you will have the thickness of the bolt on the under side of the box causing i to sit on the bolt and not the wood. The carraige bolt gives a nice flush nub on the bottom and top to be more flush as well as look better then a nasty ass bolt on top of the box.

  2. Sometimes a flexing baffle actually enforces the bass instead of being a loss. Especially on really low frequencies. Also if its really flexing that bad, just toe nailing and gluing the dowel at the bottom, it will eventually break loose. But no, it wont affect airflow unless its really close to the port.

    Almost word fer word in my text response last night ;)

    Oh i trust you friend just seeing who else out there is smart:) you sure you didnt talk to him and tell him what too post? and by the way im pulling the box so i mite do allthread. or just screw it real good through the top and bottom

    I ninja edited his post to look good :D

    nah, Like I said before. pull that box and put some all thread in. I use 3/4 on mine.

    I do carriage bolt - washer/ wood / - washer - nut - coupler - all thread - coupler - nut - washer /wood/ washer - carriage bolt. Simple right :D

  3. Sometimes a flexing baffle actually enforces the bass instead of being a loss. Especially on really low frequencies. Also if its really flexing that bad, just toe nailing and gluing the dowel at the bottom, it will eventually break loose. But no, it wont affect airflow unless its really close to the port.

    Almost word fer word in my text response last night ;)

  4. Here, I posted this on my FB page earlier so might as well post it here.

    For anyone attending CES this week, Please take a min to stop by booth #2728. They are on the same isle as Onstar and Metra. These guys use to be my supplier of amps and now want to bring in their own line to the USA. I was really hoping to also display a few of my (non working) amps in their booth, but sadly can't afford to attend. Please give them a very warm welcoming for me. Thanks, Bill

    I do hope anyone going can take a min to head over and say hi. Wei Chen is the rep ( goes by Andy) and has been dodgin my calls and emails.

  5. i would like it, even if it was just a show and say 2 builders went up against each other with the same car and same equipment. both builders/teams had a dead line to build a the best daily set up.....and if they were judged on looks, creativity, and numbers. NO FARTBOXES and stuff like that.

    Already a show like this in production right now. I don't have the full details, however I have heard some close friends being called in to be part of some teams.

  6. yea i had my van stolen and it was less then 100 feet from my window

    I walked out on mine being broken into, I know it was at least 2 guys cause I never saw the 2nd guy hit me in the back of the head.

    Lets just say there isn't anything on my block I don't know about now. My system is the baby system, I build one up for the inlaws place. They have 5 acres and lets just say it's pretty damn secure. I can also access their place from anywhere in the world too ;)

  7. 010-11.jpg

    Cameras 1,2,3, and 5 are all PTZ cameras. All 4 work very well at night

    4 and 6 are fixed B&W cameras that are setup to use IR illumination. BTW IR only works with B&W cameras, so be careful of what people sell ya ;)

    7 is a rotating loop of all the cameras on a 3sec switcher

    8 is the DVR monitor video out so I do not have to go into the cabinet and check the system.

    Every room with a TV has a PTZ control box so anyone in the house can move a camera.

    The system has a few more features, but I'm gonna keep that part to myself :peepwall:

  8. Ever seen those videos on the news where you can see someone do something but ya can't really see who in the fuck it is?

    There is nothing worse then NEEDING to identify someone and can't. Especially something like a license plate. Asking to hit a target that small at night in the dark with surrounding blinding light sources like headlights and tail lights takes either a very well placed camera or a good quality camera.

    DVR systems are very cheap and effective these days. Hell even a 4 channel capture card in a computer will solve 90% of peoples recording issues.

    Cameras and lighting on the other hand is is like going from pyle to a btl's

    Now, i'm not saying you have to spend thousands of dollars in a system, but in the case of cameras a little knowledge is key.

    Some of the key features I look for in a camera is:

    Low lux .07 or smaller. The smaller the number the better it "sees" in total darkness.

    High Res. 480 or higher. Like a tv, the more pixels the more detailed the picture.

    Auto Iris. This is where the eye opens and closes as light changes.

    1/3 CCD image. The smaller 1/4 cmos is cheaper but so is the picture.

    Line Lock With Phase Adjustment .this allows to set the gain on your camera.

    Backlight Compensation. This allows the camera to refocus on the action and not the back ground.

    One of the things I would avoid is build in IR illumination. This feature is crap is often times a crutch so they can sell you a crap camera. The distance on them suck and so does the range.

    A good low lux camera by it's self with a stand alone IR illuminator will hands down smoke a all in one camera. A bulb style IR is a real unit. LED's are a joke IMO.

    Last and final thing that is key in any system........ Lighting. The more lights you have on in a place the less likely someone will fuck with your shit. Also having the camera out in easy sight is a great deterrent for any would be thieve. Trust me, everyone in my town knows I have a very nice system. It stands out on every corner of my house.

  9. Without a doubt this year has sucked. Between the stress, ulcers, empty back account, cashing in retirement, selling off every asset I have, losing friends, straining family, and losing all passion for my own car audio builds over trying to save a failing company, topped off with my dog passing away right in the middle of it, I can honestly say I can not wait for this year to be over.

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