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Everything posted by Sp33dyG

  1. im guessin nobody can find out/knows the name of the song
  2. eh its not the name of the song some stupidass put that as a comment on youtube sayin it was the name of the song
  3. can anybody tell me wut the name of this song is? cant really tell all i no is that its some webbie or boosie song
  4. lmao thats a nice monitor im pretty sure its gonna cost alot of $$$ tho
  5. whats the name of the song that steve's playin on this vid http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/videos/biddyhairtrick.wmv
  6. the 80gig comes with the HDMI cable and the Component cables from what i've heard and PS3 is better than the 360 IMO. You can basically turn the PS3 into a computer unlike the 360 and switch it back to a gaming console whenever you like
  7. no its because i say him post it up on youtube saying hes getting 8 18's...not trying to start anything =|
  8. XD me 2 paul...hey steve i see ur messed up finger in the vid when ur pointing at the windows all wrapped up =| hope it heels alright man
  9. that shit was nasty but lmfao!! i cant stop laughing at yalls responses XD
  10. uh oh steve u got some competition even tho u have 8 18's hes moving up to 8 18's 2 he has 4 18's in here tho jus like u do in all ur vids
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