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Posts posted by dolarbilz

  1. i can spend anything extra i just don't want to spend to much cause you know how people are when they get in Ur truck and throw trash and bounce around and im afraid to go to big since all this will be in a truck but the alternator upgrade and big three is all do able why does buying subs have to be difficult i just need a decent sub that can thump and play those really fast drum rolls with out sounding bottomed out or distorted like cause my cheap subs i got now sound as if they cant keep up with how fast the beats going but im afraid to make one decision cause iv never really heard any of these brands in person so im worried about sound quality as well as good hitting bass around here i dont know anyone that runs these brands but out of FI BTL Sundown Psi SSA DD which would have the better sound and bass quality and durability maybe if i can figure what brand is kinda better then the other maybe i can finally buy me one

    They all are good brands.depends on the install.im a fi/aa guy.sum are DC Sum are DD.i cant make your ears like what I hear.thats why you will see guys doing rebuilds.finding what they like

  2. I use to love buying magaiznes car audio n electrocis.still have few left for bathroom material unforuntaley they didnt make it cause internet made it to easy to post on forums n this n that and facebook.people i read about are now on internet.dont worry postal mail service will be out of bussiness.cause everything done through internet!!

    Internet killing the world maily US.

    Sorry i have rage against it.

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