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Everything posted by bassprodigy

  1. HOLY HELL!!!! i wnt em........i dnt care about tha price after tht. thtz goin on my wish list thnx :^
  2. thnx but HOLY SHIT thtz knda high......im lookn 4 a lil cheaper
  3. im no expert, but it all dpendz on ur spendin limit, and wut kind of bass ur lookin 4
  4. i have a altec lansing sub with speakers.....im probably gettin a nuther or maybe 2more setz......it thumpz pretty hard with all tha sound setup i got on here, but how good iz altec lansing? wut du u guyz thang tha hardest hittin computer sub out there iz?
  5. how hard is it to get fake feedback to make youself look good? imean if i was on ebay and i wanted someone to buy my stuff, then i'd make sure that my feedback is good. oh yea, those accounts like that that have the same pictures of products, yea those aren't real people. they're scams.......
  6. look at tha picz on ur link, then look at my picz.........notice sumthyn different? o yea myne have TIREZ. and i tld u 2 make an offer, tht id take less. and im askin $1500. it costz $160 2 ship them.......1500+160=1660 so are those tires 1000 bucks? like people said before you could get probably get 1000 but your rims and tires are used while you could get all the tires and rims new for much less than the price youre asking... btw future sales tip try using proper english it makes feel more comfortable buying from you knowing that youre not some hill billy retard. thtz why i typt correct n tha original posting.......im not retarded itz jus i type faster like this. but the rimz/tirez were only on my vehicle 4less than a month. ive priced a set of rims and tires online and the cheapest i found was from 1010tires.com. the 17" DP1, and the cheapest set of tires, and it came out to $1,103.92 without shipping. then on sfxperfomance.com, my total came out to $1413.16, and thats with the Ventus tires. imean ebay isn't the best place to buy stuff. yes you can find stuff cheap, but alot of that stuff is scams and bullshit. i tried buyin a set of subs from a "warehouse" a few years ago. i sent off my money and never got anything. ebay couldnt help me get my money back, so i was screwed. im not tryin to screw anyone. im just tryin to sell my rims. so if anyone wants to make an offer, please do.
  7. burrito, says slam a chevy because gas tank is mid chassis... that "confusious says" iz from a drop em wear shirt that was made bcuz a CHEVY S10 blew up from draggin
  8. thtz y i sed 4 ppl 2 make an offer. i really need em sold. even if it iz a lil below wut i ask
  9. naw i kuldnt fynd the reciept. but i kno if u go online, on a rim and tire place. and u try buyin 4rimz &4tirez. itll b a good lil bit over $1000. but i didnt get these online. i bought these at a shop near my lil ass town. so of course they costed me more.
  10. look at tha picz on ur link, then look at my picz.........notice sumthyn different? o yea myne have TIREZ. and i tld u 2 make an offer, tht id take less. and im askin $1500. it costz $160 2 ship them.......1500+160=1660
  11. this cd rattled tha wallz on my computer :^........i think sum really good vidz could come from this
  12. well if ppl tht look up 2 meade r loserz, the slap a big "L" on my 4head...........
  13. maybe there shuld b a thread 4 ppl who now have meade as a role model..........
  14. so duz it ONLY hit hard on good systemz?? on my old mtx 12z, this didnt hit 4 shit
  15. steel city sounds has a version in 1 of their vidz.......
  16. [shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]my namez clay, im 16 i love bass i found this site when mr meade won system of the month on ROE =V^[/glow][/shadow]
  17. this isnt JUST for audio is it??? i hope not.......... i have a set(4) of chrome 17" Motegi DP1, wrapped in 205/40R17 Ventus tires. these rims are universal 4-lug. they were on a toyota tercel for less than a month. the tires are in perfect condition, nipples still attached. there is not a single think wrong with these rims/tires. i am only selling them to buy a new system. i am asking $1500. to ship them itll cost $160 with insurance. so your total, if shipped, would be $1660. i paid around $1700-$1800 brand new. i am willing to take LESS than the $1500, but it all depends on how much. EMAIL:[email protected] AIM:RubberbandTanMan YAHOO:mediumpimpin04 http://s133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/MotegiDP1/
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