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Everything posted by bassprodigy

  1. true, but the steve in question by this topic is steve meade..... read the title.....
  2. yep.... just as i suspected..... you know what, THIS MYTH IS BUSTED........
  3. im pretty sure that steve used to run rE...... ive never heard of him running rd......
  4. read the first post i posted on this topic..... THIS YEARS MODEL NUMBERS ARE ZEROS..... 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000,.... then there is a double din 4000, and a flip out 5000..... there is a f900 and f700 double din navigation unit, and they just realeased the n4..... I WORK AT A PIONEER DEALER......the only unit THAT IS PRODUCED THIS YEAR that has any type of anamation is the 6000.....
  5. as i said, alot of the older models have it.... i work at a shop that deals with pioneer.... the only model that even has the "entertainment" feature is the 6000..... or for premier, 600.....
  6. each year, pioneer changes the model numbers.... last years models were 9s (1900,2900,3900,4900,etc)... this year, there 0s (2000,3000,4000,5000, you get it)..... the only model this year with the "entertainment" feature is the 6000.... but it does not have the same voltage meter as previous models......
  7. every time this has happened around the shop, its been due to the remote wire...... on some radios, there is a small delay, others, it just turns right on..... this sudden change in voltage just causes the subs to pop a little......
  8. maybe we have two different versions, because the song on my cd that i use for demos everyday, has the exact same 4 tones untill just before kanye...... maybe it sounds different because the words are are interrupting your focus on the bass.....
  9. its the same four tones throughout the song, then when kanye comes in, the bass boosts a little.......
  10. i dont understand why anyone would need or want to add bass to that song.......
  11. i have the sub controll on my pioneer hu, but i also use my truck for demos at the shop, so i need to be able to only play 2 subs because 4 15s is not as practical as 2.......
  12. ive seen the knobs with the rca ends, and i believe those are just for a more universal application.... i have two knobs and theyre the jack style plug....... if you get a knob for your memphis amp, make sure get match year models.... i ran into trouble.... pm me if you need details.
  13. when i added my yellow top to the back for my amps, a dip shit i work with suggested an isolator, but my manager (who used to do alot of sql competing) told me that i was going to have nothing but trouble with an isolator.... so i just ran my power wire from the front battery to the back, then grounded my back battery, and havent had a problem since..........
  14. i just always match em up, or make the one under the hood smaller, either way the 1 under the hood should pop 1st...... ive got 2 memphis 1000w amps and they have 4 30amp fuses apiece and i have a 80amp agu fuse on each power wire......
  15. not all the time..... you might get lucky..... i actually ordered a new memphis knob for my old memphis amp, and it added more bass than what i had the amp set at.... but i changed to my new amps and both knobz work like a dream..... something like that you just have to see if it will physically fit, and test it.....
  16. what you need to do is look at the amp..... look at the fuses in it.... add up theyre total, and thats the size you need.....
  17. there was a family that all wore sunglasses in our shop and came witha perscription for dark tint, they said it has to work because they have an eye problem that makes sunlight very harmful...... and the guy that tints at our shop takes like 5mins for a strip, 20 mins to do just 2 rollups on trucks, maybe 2hrs to do a 2door car, around 2.5hrs on a four door car, maybe 3-3.5 hours on vans and big suvs........
  18. i love that verse by lil wayne..... ive actually heard it on a few "remixes".....
  19. yo gotti - cocaine muzik....... by far one of my favorites
  20. not a huge fan of kanye, but he performed this ont he VMAs and i love it........
  21. i am not very impressed with the new commercialized three 6......
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