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Posts posted by bangin_explorer

  1. no experience with the audiopipes but id go with the R's..you can get them new on ebay for about $90 each

    and they are proven to be good subs that do get loud.... ive ran them quite a few times and was actually impressed instead of just being happy....

    and if you go audiopipe, dont get the new i-pipes, go with the old TXX (blue or red ones) they can be found on ebay pretty cheap from hwy83 or some shit like that.. ive had experience with those too and they get pretty loud also.

    but personal opinion, i'd go with the R's.

  2. Uhh, no. I am fully aware of what he asked. Being as there have been a few different threads on this subject, And I was in the mood to type a little bit, I didn't really see where what I said was personal in nature toward anyone, and Why should my experience be kept private. Everybody has to deal with this problem in their own way, and if my post gives him or anyone else any guidance or insight , then I will share it openly for all to read that may find it useful. He is clearly not the only one questioning himself and his lifestyle, and I have been there, I know what it is like, as I am sure many other members here do to. The drug scene is very easy to get involved with, and sometimes almost impossible to get away from. I don't to know what kind of drugs he does, and I don't care. some drugs that are not addictive to one person may be devastating to someone else. There is no miracle way to just stop doing them, except self induced willpower. some people think they can just quit, but soon realize it is not that simple. that is what I am trying to tell him or anyone else trying to accomplish sobriety. It is tough, it sucks, and it can make you wanna give up and go back to getting high. You have to be mentally prepared to quit, and that is really hard to do when you are high or hung over from doing something hard core the night before. If he was like me, he has probably lied to every family member at somepoint about his drug use, hell, he may have stole things from them to buy drugs. I did. They were the last to believe I was getting clean cause they heard it all from me before a hundred times. You have to prove to yourself that you can quit before anyone else will help you. Parents and family are no exception, especially when they have watched a "phase" turn into a lifestyle, then into a different personality. There is nothing personal about that except that this is what I learned from quitting all of my drug use.

    you sir, are a wise man..... take care...

    and btw, i love your avatar =-)

  3. ah man, i wish you the very best in life and hope you can overcome your current problem(s).

    i have been around drugs all my life, if it wasnt friends, then it was family, and if it wasnt any of those, it was me... i am NOT proud of any of it and i dont condone any type of drug use.. but im here if ya need some advice... i have never been to a AA or NA meeting, i have overcame everything on my own, you just have to have a strong heart and a desire to better yourself along with a shit load of will power....

    i had a uncle die from _______, it was a hard thing to see going on while i was growing up (he wasnt the only one, just a example), but he didnt want to stop regardless that he had a wife and 4 kids , and one day shoveling a old ladies driveway his heart exploded, and well needless to say, R.I.P. uncle Dee.

    im sure there are many ppl pming you about the situation and i wont be another one. if you need real advice from someone that has been there and overcame the obstacles and never looked back, PLEASE PM ME.

    you are in my prayers.

  4. well i havent had a chance to take pics but ill fill joo guys in. i traded the Dakota in for an 05 Durangho. fully loaded SLT with heated seats, moon roof, hemi, blah blah blah. its silver and lets just say the 3d row seats wont be in there for long.

    i know im gonna loose SPL through the moon roof but im not competing so i dont really care too much. im just afraid of leakage

    sounds like some fun bro...

    ive had leakage for awhile now....... its no fun....

    good luck and post pics of he ride

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