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Posts posted by RAM_Designs

  1. You could do something that is 36" wide x 23" tall x 23" deep. This would include a double layer baffle and ample bracing to keep the box from flexing with that low-end monster you're wanting to run. If you want to double layer the whole thing, then we can do 36" wide x 25" tall x 24" deep.

  2. To the ear you're probably not going to notice much of a difference, if any at all. IMO a single chamber with a single port that has fewer turns will give you a better change to meter higher, if you're worried about that. Also, with the SA-10's there's no need to double baffle the front, they're just not that heavy. But if you want to, it's certainly not going to hurt anything.

    One thing I don't like in the second design is the sharp corner/point at the end of each port.

  3. Not enough room once you take into consideration subwoofer, bracing, and port displacements. With 13ft^3 gross volume you could probably do three 15's, but you'd need to do a wall to do all four subs.

    The sub displacement for 4 is .704 ft^3 and bracings won't take off more than a cubic ft at the most plus the port volume would be .36ft^3 if I tune it to 33 Hz going 8hx10wx7.85l (inches) and its not a slotted port so putting all that together it seems like I do have enough room

    I was under the impression that you only had 13ft^3 of gross volume to play with. Also, you need to use a lot more port....shoot for 150-175in^2 if you're using decent woofers.

  4. Sealed>ported for SQ is just an old wives tale lol

    I prefer ported, but sealed boxes will always have better transient response due to the lower group delay. There's no way to argue that. And for people who are into real SQ setups, good transient response is very important when it comes to accurately reporducing REAL music.

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