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Everything posted by SilveradoGoesBang

  1. How much is to much for a full system install and two 2k amp 2 batterys and 2 subs?
  2. Alpine IMO just because I use to run one and it lasted over 2 years no problem
  3. Love u man got a great idea could put plex glass on the top so u could seen in and put leds in it
  4. yea i would do like one in top one in back and one and each side but my trunk height is bad lol 11 1/4 inches
  5. yea great thanks tho shows what i was saying for people who cant read my terrible explantions =)
  6. yea exactlly but i wont 2 subs on each side for a total of 4
  7. Think i could do it with some comp tens in a small trunk to try it out? Yes, but it's more complicated than just facing two sealed boxes towards eachother. Can u explain a little bit more?
  8. Think i could do it with some comp tens in a small trunk to try it out?
  9. kk if i was to do it defentlly sealed right? Might just do it with some cheap subs cause it seems cool to me
  10. Would it be a good box or just okay in your opinion
  11. This might be hard to explain with out drawing or talking it out but i will try to make it out. Has anyone made a box that is like two boxes facing each other with mdf that goes over the top and bottem and back of the two boxes with the subs facing the inside. (basiclly the subs will be firing at each other and and it will be like a tunnel with the opening towards the from of the car. i was gonna try this in my trunk but idk how it will sound it was just an idea. If this dosent make sense i will draw it out and try and upload let me know thanks.
  12. alright is that pretty respectable from the trunk of a car with 4 tens?
  13. Just one I'm just still trying to figure out what to put in
  14. Four treo te's and a ssx 2000 and built to the reccomened enclosure for the subs
  15. Does anyone know what 4 10" Subs can do I'n a sealed box
  16. Should be able to find a alpine m500 for about 130-180
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