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Posts posted by teardrop

  1. steve next time they do the Bonneville salt flats day go and see what it can do for fun should be pretty fun hell add a few more power adders and get in the 200mph club i think your car could with say a super charger and the n20 maybe some cams computer re map
    the salt flats ruins cars! had a friend who used to live down there. he saw the aftermath of 200 mph run cars and what the salt does to the bottom sides of them. also the n2o and a supercharger aren't going to make him any faster on the top end. it just going to get you threw the gears faster. gears are gears poweradders won't change that. NEUMAN

    yea i didn't think about what the salt does to the cars probably eats them up

    also steve when we ganna see a 1/4 mile run at the strip?

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