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Posts posted by teardrop

  1. its very expensive and difficult to do a turbo on a non turbo car you have to change alot of parts and electronics to do it just buy a stock turbo car and start there hell ill sell ya a turbo 94 eclipse gsx awd with a 90 6 bolt swap in it does around 450 to the wheels good starter car for hp and drag racing pluss iv done most of the work for you all ready motors built to handle 700+ hp lol

  2. from what iv read thery shut down the thread n8 put up and i tryed to pm meade because one post said to do that or dave but i dont know how to find dave the admine so i dunno how to get in

    You want in the 18+ and dont found dave.

    Why isn´t your question, "where can i find dave"?

    Have a look, top up left, 3. bar "Members" clicky clicky searchy searchy for dave.

    What do you want in the 18 +? If you cant use easy functions of the forum?

    Got a nice picture of your maturity


    i did search for dave and could not find him before i started this

  3. It really has nothing to do with age or posts. Anybody can get 300 posts, I've been here going on 4 years and only have 900 posts because I try to only post when I have good input. Some people can be 50 and still act like their 12 years old, you know? A lot of people use 18+ to share thoughts/have conversations without getting immature answers. It's not just NSFW material.

    Just to ask... Any girls topless next to subs? Haha that would be woofer porn LOL

    youll never get in. just so you are aware. corny need not apply. ill open it up again shortly. It has to be done by an admin. Its a pain in the ass to add groups. Some people got seriously bent out of shape and threw a temper tantrum because I wouldnt let him in. Pretty much validated my point. You also dont have to be here for over a year. Its just tough to judge a person in a short period of time. There is no drama in 18+ not a single bit. And Id like to keep it that way.

    yea im definitely against all things drama i try and avoid it as much as possible and i dont wanna make any one mad or upset by my questions if i cant get it right now its coo il wait till i can no biggy just thought id ask scenes i meet the regulations

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