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Posts posted by tejcurrent

  1. If you remove the interior panels from the rear of your vehicle most (I'm not familiar with your car in particular) have these big holes already cut with rubber flaps to leat air/heat escape. It's often one of the things you hear vibrating when people put subs in their trunk. If you take those out it would give you a clear shot outside, and you could hook up fans to a tube or hose bringing fresh air in. In my mustang/corolla the flaps were behind the tire-well plastic covering. In my tahoe they're right behind the plastic pieces on either rear pillar. Both are covered to not let water get in though, so they might be a pretty nice place to tap into.

  2. 1. What if you route an a/c vent back there? There are several places that you could tap in, for instance you could even eliminate one of your floor-aimed vents and route that to the back somehow? I've seen people do it with 1" pex lines- they're not much bigger than a 1/0 run.

    2. In the rear of the vehicle there should be vents in the rear pillars or in the rear panels with little rubber flaps to let air out. If you removed that whole flap thing you could run a fan directly from outside sucking air in. Just a few ideas, hope they help.

  3. Damn, really sensitive, a leaf would set your shit off. I have the Viper 791 and I have the sensitivity turned up all the way and my shit doesnt get set off that easy. Where would be the best place to mount that shock sensor? I have a 03 Yukon XL.

    I honestly don't want to post the make/model of my alarm online. I was joking with the leaf (exaggerating the sensitivity), but I have had acorns and people closing their car doors when they're parked next to me set it off. I have it cranked up pretty high lol. Better to have it go off than not, right?

  4. Once in a while a bird will crap on my car or a leaf will fall on it and set it off, but I haven't had any real problems after getting all the initial kinks worked out. I had a problem with the rear door lock not locking with the alarm, but it was just stupid thing with the subs rattling the lock- got that fixed. I park my vehicle with the rear hatch pressed up against something (as close as the hitch will allow anyway) that way if they try to do a quick job they can't get the hatch open, and the box wont fit out any other way. It's right below the window where I sleep, and I keep the remote and a pistol right next to me as I sleep.

    Glad it wasn't someone ganking your stuff, that's a terrible feeling.

  5. My brother in law works at an airport, and got to meet him up close. He said he was bitching about his 1st class ride, and was a rude, stuckup azzhole. My brother-in-law was saying he was going to try talking to him a second like he does most 'famous' people he meets (most of them are really cool), but he said he wanted nothing to do with him. He sucks anyway. He's just a spoiled little kid.

  6. I'll tell you how you can be sure a womans not cheating on you:

    When you know you're so good she wouldn't want to go anywhere else ;)

    In all honesty if you can't trust someone why be with them? Character means a lot in a good relationship, and if you have a lot to offer a woman will know there's no need to keep looking for someone better anyway.

    You can have women and money btw, no need to pick one or the other. If it was me though, I'll lose an hour or so of pay to come home for that nooner :lol:

  7. I worked at Ccity for about a month before the manager changed my schedule without telling me 1 day before I had 4 appointments with:

    *an electrician

    *a plumber

    *cable company

    *cabinet guy.

    When I told him I wasn't comming in because he changed my schedule last minute after 2 weeks of it saying the same thing, and I had people to meet he said do what you had to do- I never came back. :D He really was a dick, he tells people I came in late the day I was supposed to work and quit- so he's a liar too. He changed the shedule Wed. for Friday (I saw the change thus night) so I came in hours before I was due fri to talk to him in person about it. Since then I've had 5+ people tell me he's ruined their plans by changing the shedule and not telling them.

    In the install bay you get perks for installing quickly. The have set goals, like a cd player shouldn't take more than 45 minutes or something like that. Then they charge the money for the quick connects, and slap it in. I know tahoes and yukons really well, so lets say it's a tahoe. I can swap out the cd player if nothing fancy is going on in 5 minutes. That means my labor percentage is several times the 100% they like to see. (a job that takes 2 hours done in 1 hour= 200%)

    At the end of the month you get a bonus check for a few hundred bucks, but it takes 3- THREE months before you see a penny of that money. The discounts were sick on car audio stuff though- Kicker 2500.1s for 400-500 or so each brand new, solo-x 18s for 450 bnib. Plenty of others, but kicker had the best deals.

    Sales are good, but you need to understand the install part as well, and yes if you sell new door speakers you better sell the wires to throw them in, a new h/u if they don't have one, a sub/amp if they do, and maybe a nice 4 channel, satellite radio, and a garmin lol. The top salesman at the ccity where I worked was rediculous. I saw a dude come in for door speakers and leave with almost $2k in crap.

    I think starting wage there is like $8.75 an hour. As a salesman you get perks too though (in the entertainment dept.) you get a $20 gift card for the top sales that day, and a $20 gift card for the most expensive single sale (like if you sell 4k between tv, blu-ray player, sound setup, etc.).

  8. I went to see my old man today. He's had cancer for 6-7 years now, and it's slowly been eating his bones despite his chemo and bone marrow transplants. His kidneys are shutting down, as well as several other organs, and he's had a few heart attacks in the past few years because he can't get the heart operations he needs because of his cancer. The cancer is seperating his pelvic bone from his spine and he's in constant pain from it. He used to be able to get up and do stuff but now he can hardly talk and doesn't make sense from the morphine.

    Today when I went to visit he was coffing up blood, and telling me to take care of my mom. He always told me I'd regret not spending time with him after he died, and now I can see why. He could live for a few weeks or another year or so, just progressively getting worse with a few days sprinkled in when he can actually walk to the kitchen on his own.

    Fuck him being right, and FUCK having to watch him die slow as FUCK.

    And FUCK not being able to talk to anyone about it without sounding like a whiny bitch, because everyone has their own problems. Just fuck the whole thing.

  9. Best luck. They say from a scientific stand point it only takes 3 days before the physical addiction is broken. After that it's strictly psychological. I smoked for a while, and when I started dating my wife about 1 month into it she told me she wasn't going to do anything with me (Lovin) when I smelled and tasted like smoke. That ended that. Honestly, poon or cigs wasn't a tough choice, and I haven't had any problems since then.

    Plus I'm a greedy bastard and having $30+ extra a week adds up to enough to buy a spool of 1/0 a month (or more depending on where you buy it) or pay my cable/phone/internet bill, and from that standpoint I'll never smoke again.

    I had an uncle with emphazema - and it was exactly as someone else mentioned. His poor health made him a very unhappy person, and I would never want to be trapped like that.

  10. sucks man. Thats god punishing you for trying to trust people :angry:

    A few months after I started dating my wife I found out more than one old boyfriend was trying to meet up with her. Her friends told me (because a few of them wanted to date me and hoped we'd split up) how she was planning on lying to me about visiting family or something and going out with them. I just waited to see what happened because I HATE drama, and nothing came of it. We all get tempted at some point or another, it just depends on how you handle it, and that's why I'm married to her.

    Sorry that worked out how it did, time to get a new one.

    ^Random hot chicks DO ask guys out though, I've had several try talking to me on myspace and in person. Like I said, people with integrity will either let it go or have the decency to break up with whoever they're dating.

  11. I like Sminoff vodka, a lot.

    Funny, your shopping list and mine have some similarities :)


    ^Okay, and I got into the vodka and captain already :blush:

    My wife likes the peach stuff (we make those drinks you get at Outback: peaches, peachtree, smirnoff, and some champagne).

    I'm having some people over for new years so I stocked up on the basics:

    Jose Cuervo, kahlua (wife loves mudslides, and I like white russians pretty good), sky vinilla, some cranberry vodka, rumple mint. I wish I had gotten some Jack for me though, I like that pretty good. Oh well, I guess I'll be stopping by my local store monday.

    I really don't care for beer at all, I only drink it as a last resort. I really don't like the taste, but funny enough I love the taste of alchohol. :blush:

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