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Posts posted by tejcurrent

  1. You have EVERY right to be upset. Don't be worried you shouldn't say anything- you're married and she lied to you- you should! If she appologized and told you she lied out of embarassment, that's one thing. But the fact she tried to turn it around on you and make you look like the ass in front of others- that's wrong. You don't go telling the fuggin waitress.

    I'd tell her exactly how you feel and why, and if she still doesn't respect you tell her she has no respect for you and to fuck off. Different people treat situations different in their marriage, so I'm sure you'll figure out whats best for you- just don't sit there and let it fester. It doesn't sound to me like jealousy on your part so much as frustration and anger at being decieved. Hope it turns out for the best (tell her to find some hot friends).

  2. no that was best buy. best buy has the vaio 15.4in for 399. CC has a compaq for 299 after mail in rebate.

    so far i think this is the best laptop i found in that price range.

    You're right. I'd say so. I'd spend the extra 100 for sure. My wife wants a laptop, but I'd rather just reinstall windows on hers to clean off all her porn :lol:

    I'm not familiar with that brand, but it seems to have nice stuff.

  3. From his post it sounds he like he is angry because of either the fact he:

    a. Doesn't have the money to put into a large setup

    b. Doesn't have as nice a vehicle

    c. Doesn't have the skills or the clean appearance that your setup does.

    Any time I show someone your site they comment on how amazingly clean your work is, especially the wiring. You do great work, and people will hate when they are jealous. Look how people always bitch about the 'rich' folks, most the 'rich folks' I know work hard as hell to get what they want, instead of bitching about what they don't.

    Keep it up bro, you're an inspiration, consider it reaching a new status of pimp-ness :lol:

    BTW, someone commented about meeting you in person, next time I'm out to vegas I really hope I have the opportunity to ride out that way and meet you in person.

  4. Too bad that took a while for you, I know with certain events they're out for a few days. When you pay you get a shipped date, but they have to go back in and change that after they actually process and complete your order. 2 weeks still isn't that bad imo.

    They've shipped everything really quick for me, from subs to shirts to stickers they've been fast and helpful.

  5. Floyd, I'd have sued the bejeezus out of the guy for sicking his dog on you like that, I've heard of people dying like that- I'm glad you came out on top of it though. That's good reaction right there. I remember being taught how to kill a dog that was attacking you, and I'd like to think I'd be able to defend myself like that, but it's always harder to remember/think on your toes like that.

    Hammerdown, I've been nipped before and this would be the hardest I've ever been nipped lol. That's why I'm going with bitten ;). That could very well be the reason for it, but it didn't come up to me asking for attention, or make any noise, just a bite and they walking away. I don't know, I do taste pretty good.... hmm..

  6. wow that looks like it hurts...

    hopefully that one experience doesnt ruin the chances of you getting a dog

    Nah. I've sort of had a thing about dogs since I was little, I don't like other peoples dogs. But I still want a nice retriever or lab. I like mid/large dogs that you can leave in a fenced in yard instead of a lap dog. I had a chow/lab mix puppy but I had to give it away because of stuff going on at the time :(

    But no, I want a dog still. :lol:

  7. So last night I went to my cousins house and he tells me to come on in. As I walked through the living room into the kitchen where everyone was I passed their golden retriever. That's sort of the breed I'm looking for (my wife wants a dog), and this was a really nice looking one. Friendly looking, appeared very healthy, and on the very large side of the breed.

    I dont touch peoples dogs/cats, so I just walked by it, it didn't bark, growl, or anything. Then as I passed by and was almost out of the living room I felt something pinching the hell out of my knee, and look back to see this dog walking away. It bit the holy SHI+ out of my leg. I didn't think it broke skin at first through my jeans, but later on I counted atleast 5 places, with a nasty bruise to boot. They say it's clean and has all its shots, but it still hurt like a b!+ch. Afterward it didn't bark, growl, or anything, they just put it outside and said it had never done that before.

    I had to take the picture with the flash off because of how white my legs really are (I normally wear jeans). You can see the large bruise right where it got its whole mouth on my leg, but if you look on the knee there's a large spot where just it's canine tooth sank in (I initially thought that was the only part where skin was broken).


    It really wasn't that bad, it just scared the crap out of me, and I've never been biten like that before. Fun stuff.

  8. A good friend I haven't talked to in a while died and no one called me till over a week after the funeral. FUCK THAT.

    Less than 2 weeks till Thanksgiving, everyone want to come to the new house, and I don't have a lot of shit done I meant to, now the wife gets to bitch Fuck that.

    Then I did all the god damn work I needed to get the gas turned on (hooking up gas lines) and the assholes at the city building have to call the gas company before the gas company will turn it on. They wont let me give them the same damnass info, and I get a cold ass house in the mean-time FUCK THAT

  9. ^ yeah, I live <1/4 mile from rr tracks, at 12:30 am and 5:30am when they go by once in a while and I'm trying to sleep the horn is rediculous. I went to a show where the metering was only 50 feet from the tracks- a guy was getting metered and the train passing was louder in his sealed car than his subs lol- over 135db.

    My factory horn is blown from the alarm going off so much- it sounds like 2 small cars honking at once. I'd love to get a louder horn just to scare potential thieves, and easier for me to hear. I wouldn't do that to people though, just those I knew as a joke.

  10. I don't own an ipod, I use my wifes on occasion :lol: I really hate the poor quality you get when you download mp3s.

    I used to have over 60gb on my old pc, but the hard drive went up with tons and tons of music. I own a few hundred cds, and I rip those at 320 or 256kbps, but there were thousands of songs I downloaded I just can't find anymore (back when mp3.com was cool lol). I normally d/l stuff before I buy it to make sure it's worth buying, then delete right before I rip the cd. 150+gb is a lot of music!

  11. http://www.central4wd.com/inventorydetail....page=id%7C31084 call the 800 # and ask for Jeff, your SMD cost is.... $364.29 + shipping!!!

    Thanks a lot, I'll have to leave the receipt out for the wife with a christmas bow next to it and a note 'You're the best!'. I didn't know there was an SMD price, and that's just awesome, again Thanks :D

    A question though, what are gap guards? Is that the gap you see between the gate and the bumper, or something else? Thanks.

  12. I bought my 01 tahoe a few months ago, and I've been looking to lift it. I considered a suspension lift, but price has made me lean towards a 3" body lift instead. I just wanted to know if anyone knows anywhere I can buy a body lift online for a good price? I've seen a few on ebay, but I've never done this to a vehicle before so I didn't know if there was anything in particular I should look for. I already got BF 285/16s because they fit the vehicle without rubbing at all, and I most likely wont be going bigger on those for a while, if it matters. Thanks in advance.

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