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Posts posted by tejcurrent

  1. G/L. My dad died about 1 1/2 years ago. He used to talk to me about his will when I was 10. Found out he left everything to my mom, who I think is in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

    I want to go to a head shrinker for my bp/depression but it never works out. My shrink dropped me years ago so now I'm off meds. I find exercise and good diet help. I stopped smoking cold turkey with no problems, I just replaced it with sex- worked wonders and I only smoke a cigar on special occasions now.

    Everyone dies. I have dreams where I die every night, it gets depressing for sure but I'd rather live than know that I might be throwing away the only existence I'll ever have. Best luck.

  2. I haven't really taken any programming classes.... I've learned it all by myself or from help of friends... I grasp the concept better through trial and error.... and google :)

    It's all programmed in PHP with CodeIgniter, MySQL, jQuery for AJAX and JS functions, and Memcached.

    It has around 10,000+ lines of code I would imagine and over a 100 files I've created and modified. lol..

    I learned from books at the local library about 10 years ago, but things have changed A LOT.

    Used to be all html, tables, and javascript. No one liked css for some reason. I made huge sites with nested tables, now I can view the whole html side in a single notepad screen. It seems it's easiest to use a ton of DIV tags and external style sheets, with some PHP/MySQL. Everything is server side, which I guess is better in the long run. God it is so irritating to relearn everything though. :(

    WYSIWYGs have come a long way too. Dream Weaver used to suck, I almost like it now.

  3. Good work, I've been doing programming/coding etc for quite a while for fun, just now going to school to get a degree.

    Great job- I hope it works for you. Constructive criticism (hope it helps): the filter gave me a completely blank page. I went to mental disorders, then filter by all categories/highest rated/all time. Might be nice to have a link to view all stories at once. Not trying to bust balls just give my hand in working out the bugs :)

  4. Make sure you tell her. My wife did the same shit, but I made her wait. I would even mess with her, I'd drop down on one knee and pull a POS I picked up for .25 from a gum machine out of my pocket. I think after I gave her a ring pop she stopped stressing me about it for a while.

    Then she had a friend get pregnant and she suddenly was going to die if she didn't get pregnant. I wanted to wait but I didn't care much either way, plus she was the one who determined how she took her pill, not me lol. Once she got pregnant her friend bugged the crap out of her husband about a kid.

    Don't give in if it isn't what you want for a few years. I knew I wanted to get married and have kids so I didn't mind, but if you start giving it gets hard to stop. G/L.

  5. See people on WIC driving Escalades all the time. If you make less than 2600 a month (in a family) you qualify.

    You may have two people in a house making $8-10 an hour working 40 a week still not make that after taxes, so it's really not that hard to qualify for.

    I am going to college and in order to have time for homework I HAVE to work crappy jobs. I'm back to working 6 days a week between two jobs at 7a-5p and my wife can still get WIC. If I could find a good enough job to pay for my family and not get some free baby formula I would. Until I get my degree it is a big help. I could have waited until I was older to have kids, but my financial situation was a lot better 2 years ago when my wife got pregnant than it is now.

    I hate seeing lazy people who don't work just eating off my tax money. I just got the assistance within the last 4 months because it was available, and $120+ in formula for free is good by me.

  6. Check CACO forum, I was looking at a SD 12kd for 1500 over there. 12k rms @ 12.6v is hard to beat for that price. I can't remember the size for sure, but more power in your price range = win in my book. If you want to buy one of those and trade me for my AB 1000.1 I would be open :)

  7. Thats a Tahoe? The Box in my Burban measures 48x48x20

    (Thats with 6in left over from the box to the rear doors) and my batteries are where the 3rd row used to put their feet.... :8)

    My last box was 49w x 42d x 22h. There was a small notch in the box to fit batts angled behind the seat, and quite a bit of port area getting me around 20ft net. The amps were older memphis 4kws so they fit beside the box where it stuck up over the plastic panels. I only had a few inches between the box and the rear hatch, but it loaded nicely imo.

    There's quite a bit of room, but not compared to the suburban :) I'd love to get a suburban but I can't find one locally with the features of my tahoe in the same price range.

  8. It should not effect your dads insurance. If you get added that's different.

    I pay relatively little for insurance - 140/mo for comprehensive on 2 vehicles and I'm 23- and pretty good coverage at that.

    Once those points go off you'll be in a better situation, try one of those classes for that.

    When I was on my parents insurance my one ticket did raise their costs, hence me getting my own policy.

  9. There would be very little cargo room. I went around 22-23" to get to the top of the 2nd row seat. That would put you over the window line btw.

    2 18s is much easier to plan for, and once you have the equipment you can always upgrade. If you were going to move the 2nd row more than 1" I'd remove it entirely otherwise your passengers would hate you :)

    Here's a pic from a while back. I don't know how accurate that is but it might help.


  10. I'm maintenance manager for a hotel while I finish up college. Good hours and easy 90% of the time, but only okay pay. It does allow me time to do homework, work an extra job if I want, and spend time with my family. I know how to fix almost anything there, I provide all my own tools and do the landscaping (again with my equipment), and I'm the CPO (certified pool operator) for the pool. They pay me a few bucks more an hour than the last guy, but they were still paying me to be cpo.

    I'll be happy when I get my degree and can find something paying more, but for the time being it's a cake job so I can't complain. My last job I did termite work under crawlspaces in the heat all day, I don't miss that. I think my shoes back then were like these:


    Originally black just scraped and covered with mud. Miserable job, terrible bosses, terrible morale. Awesome shoes though.

  11. I lost respect for my fire department when they started trying to piss me off with their ridiculous horn. I was working outside about 20ft from a parking lot one day when they were giving kids a ride and let them honk the horn. Scared the crap out of me the first time and they all laughed. I even I did, sick kids deserve fun.

    Then a few minutes later they drove back and started honking again - the adults this time. I didn't pay any attention, so they laid on the horn no shit for almost a minute straight driving in circles as close as they could to me until I looked, all the while they were laughing. That horn is loud enough to hurt your ears or at least piss you off from that distance. If there weren't kids in that truck I was going to flip them off and pray they wanted to fight, there's NO excuse for being an asshole. I'd rather get my ass kicked by a couple guys than let one get away with that shit, but like I said kids change things.

    After they showed their asses I lost all respect. The only firefighter I ever knew personally beat his wife if and claimed his large dog would bump into her. :aggressive:

    Back on topic- I miss my old Mustang GT, I normally took it to the dirt roads when I felt like going fast and burning out though. Better for the tires and I could do some nice 'drifting' around the corners. It's an automatic ticket if a cop finds you in a ditch, but I have a brother to pull me out before cops come :) Never get away with it on the highway.

  12. dr-martens-dm-gibson.jpg

    Dr. Martens with the gel sole

    All white AF1s.


    Both are really comfortable shoes that can be found wider than most. The Dr's are my every day shoe I've been working in similar styles for around 8 years now and will never buy another brand unless they totally stop carrying anything that looks good. It's hard to find a good looking shoe in stock when you wear size 13+, and these are almost always in stock btw.

    Tha AF1s just look nice, and are a bit more comfortable when I'm working outside for a few hours in the sun. I really only wear them when I wear shorts to work.

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