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Posts posted by akrja_07

  1. Are there any serial numbers on the sub?

    I did not look before putting them in the box, will look if need be but would REALLY prefer not to take the subs out of the box.

    What ohm are they?

    Dual 1 ohm, I have them both wired to a 1.3 ohm load.

    throwing 800-900 watts at them won't blow a level 3 if it's clean power..i had mine on about 1200w each for a while

    Ok, thanks man!

  2. I bought some subs used that are supposed to be level 3 with level 4 coils, meaning they can handle up to 1000 RMS, but how can I tell if the subs actually have this upgrade or not? I don't really want to go throwing 8 or 900 watts to them and fry them because they actually have the level 3 coils. Anyways, how can I tell? I don't think the person I bought them from got me but want to be sure before spending $200+ for a new amp... Thanks!!!

  3. I wanted someone to confirm I have this wired right before I call it done.

    Note: nothing zip tied until I know it's correct, black tape just holding the wires in place until I zip tie them.

    I did;

    Negative from battery to factory ground bolted together


    Negative from battery to top of motor where small ground already was


    Positive from battery to alternator fused close to battery @ 300 amps



  4. I need an amp that does 1500-2000 RMS @ 1 ohm, mono, class D. I need a decent brand, with my budget maybe something like an audiopipe ap1800d or something similar. My budget is $175 and that needs to include shipping. The amp needs to have bass knob as well. I know $175 is not much, but let's see whatcha got!! Notice I said audiopipe or similar, I'm not asking for DC or kicker for this price.

  5. Guys, noles is my boy. He was talking to me about wanting to do a decent box for his L7's. I told him to register here and ask for a design. The reason for this is I made a couple posts just asking for suggestions on tuning, volume etc. and had guys PMing me designs and posting them on the threads without me even asking, tons of you offered to design a box so I figure surely someone would help him out.

    I don't really want to give him too much advice because I still know very little about designing boxes. I can do it on the re audio site, but from what I have read here those boxes aren't exactly correct a lot of the time, and I don't know anything about sub up port back boxes. Can someone just list a program that's fairly easy to use and free? I'll mess around with it and see if I can't make a design for him, I could use the practice anyways..

  6. Ok so I have been having some major stomach issues lately so the doc ordered me an ultrasound, everything looks good except for I have what is possibly a 3mm kidney stone. Has anyone gone through this? I'm really wondering what to expect... Will it be a sudden onset of major pain or will it be gradual? How long does it take to pass? Can you function while passing a stone? Any suggestions or advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

    I only have one friend that has gone through this and he makes it out to be no big deal, which I know is BS.

    it is definitely NOT "no big deal"...passing a stone is as close as a man can come to experiencing what women feel during child birth. It is the singular most excruciating pain I have ever felt...and I've been stabbed and shot and am covered in tattoos and piercings.

    It starts as a dull pain in the lower back, then gets worse over a few hours or days. when it starts to pass you'll feel unbearable pain. once it gets to the bladder you'll have some reprieve...but this is where it starts to suck. you;ll think it's all over, but then, one random day whilst taking a leak...suddenly you'll drop to your knees and piss all over yourself as you scream like a little bitch. sometimes it makes it all the way out...sometimes you'll suffer for days.

    I passed a 2mmx5mm stone (luckily it came out long ways). the pain doesn't go away once it passes, either. it does some serious damage to the urethra that you'll feel for weeks...feels like the clap...like fire is shooting out of your dick.

    I have another one coming loose right now...the next few weeks is going to suck...good luck, bro

    Thanks man... but you need the luck! Whats causing your stones? Do you know? I hope all goes well for you.

  7. Thanks, yeah I did plenty of research on google, literally hours, and almost everyone said lemons, lemons and more lemons. There were all kinds or recipes like x amount of lemon juice plus x amount of olive oil etc... But nearly everything I found was lemon based. I read comments all over the internet of people claiming this really worked for them. I don't give the lemons all the credit though, I prayed my ass off... for what it's worth.

  8. Ok guys I have an update for you. This may be helpful to those of you that form these stones a lot... It may not. This may sound like B.S. but I feel I need to share it because there are some real horror stories on this thread, and I can't imagine going through what some of you have with these stones. Ok, so they found the stone in an ultrasound... I was doing some research on how to pass these as easily as possible and I came across this video. In the video this man states that if you drink the juice of 20 lemons (8oz. off the rip and the rest mixed with water for hours after,). That it will dissolve the 2 most common of the 4 types of stones. So I gave it a shot, figured fuck it, nothing to lose, plus lemons rock!! Anyways, I had a CT scan yesterday (2 weeks from original ultrasound findings, 1 week after drinking the juice) where they were specifically looking the stone AND IT WAS GONE!! I couldn't believe it!! So 1 of 3 things happened IMO:

    1- God answered my prayers

    2- The lemon juice worked


    3- I passed it without knowing (HIGHLY unlikely)

    I'm not saying I recommend doing this because it is kinda harsh, but I wanted to pass along the info in case any of you find yourself out of options... Here is the video. Good luck to all of you and thanks for all of your help and input, you all helped greatly!!

  9. Ok well, I built a box, and I am so pleased with it, at least for now. I did 4 cubes @ 28 hz. and it sounds AMAZING!! Exactly what I wanted as far as lows go!! It may not be the prettiest but sure sounds good IMO!

    I probably jumped the gun on this and could have done a little better but I was SO READY to get those subs out of that pre fab box it was KILLING me! Anyways, I did 4.1 cubes at 28hz, the port opening is 4.5" and there is 47.5 sq.in. of port area (yeah I know, a hair short) but that's the best I could get it with my measurements.

    Was going to post 4 or 5 pics but my computer is not picking up my SD... <_<

  10. Burning is caused by clipping. If your box is tuned high you could also be playing under your tuning. Build a new box. It's cheap.

    Easier said the done, I have tried 3 times and failed 3 times. Honestly bought this box because I was so anxious to hear the subs. I am going to give it another shot though because I want a box thats LOW!!

    You failed at box building? It's easy man. Either ask alot of questions or have someone design something for you.

    Yes, it's easy with the the right tools and a little knowledge, neither of which I have lol. And I am in the process of trying to get one of you guys to design me an enclosure, Im willing to give it another go but this time with pre cut pieces. Here;

    My link

  11. Before I can finish a complete song I get a FAINT smell from I guess my woofers since they are the only thing in my car that's new. I shut them down immediately when I begin to smell it.. But honestly it almost smells like wood being cut with a mix of electrical heat, also, the woofers do feel warm, not hot but pretty warm... Here is what I got going on, in FULL detail... I am only going to list things that deal with the bass.

    Head unit;

    Kenwood KDC-X789

    Max volume played at - 31 of 35 (amp gain set at this volume)

    Sub level set at 0 (-15 to 15)

    Bass set at -8 (-8 to 8)

    Bass freq. set at 70hz. (40hz.-150hz.)

    Bass Q-Factor set at 1.00 (1.00-2.00)

    Bass EXT. set to off

    LPF SW set on THROUGH (THROUGH + 50hz.-120hz.)

    SW Phase set to normal

    Loud set to off

    Whatever 2.ZONE is, it's off.


    Directed D2400

    Gains set with DMM to 36 volts

    Subsonic filter set to on (not variable, simply an on-off switch)

    Bass EQ set to off (not variable, switch from 0db-8db)

    Low pass filter set to about 50hz. (variable 30hz.-250hz.)

    Phase set to 0 (Switch from 0-180)


    2 12" DC audio level 3 with level 4 voice coils dual 1 ohm, wired down to a 1.3 ohm load... Not seeing anywhere near RMS, which is why I'm confused.


    I am running stock electrical, only upgrade was getting factory grounds down to bare metal.

    Power wire is either 2 or 4 gauge, and ground wire is 1 gauge smaller.

    Box is pre-fab, tuned HIGH, and I'm always playing slowed stuff with lows, maybe soul cause right here???

    Speaker wire is 12 gauge

    Vehicle is 1993 Honda Accord

    This should be everything...

  12. Ok, I give!! Someone wanna design me a box? The whole having to include x amount of port area blah blah has me beyond lost... It's in a trunk where the entire back seat is down most of the time, so would it be better to go with subs up port back, or subs back port back? I want this box very very low, possibly in the 20's if you guys think it will sound good!! Maybe even low 20's!!! It's just that I have never heard anything tuned that low and I WANNA KNOW what it sounds like DAMNITTT!!!

    I'm just going to let the Lowes guys do all the cutting, for $0.25 per cut, I'm tired of screwing up boxes, but I guess it's good because evidently I had no idea what I was doing anyways!

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