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Everything posted by civichatch

  1. lol like me and my p1. hahaha. If i would have had to pay for it i wouldnt have got it.
  2. still VERY impressive. Does anyone have any idea of what kinda numebrs i might be hitting. Youve all seen my vids. I HAVE NO IDEA. maybbeee 120 ish not sure. Tell me wat u guys think.
  3. man i love your truck. My dad had the same truck but the slt quad cab. those things can pick up and go dude. They are acctaully very powerful. And i LOVE YOUR SETUP shit must just bang.
  4. Lol after i put the springs and shcoks in and the strut bars. It handles amazing. And turning at 110 km is fun. Thats pushing it though. start to get the rear tire coming up off the ground at the speed. The only thing i can relate it to is beeing in a high powered go kart.
  5. thanks man means alot that u appologized to. Everythings cool. And by the way i no ur car is fast as fuck lol. My aunty has one lol. Glad everything is cool. And we wer both beeing assholes lol.
  6. ide go with idea 2. Would probably hit harder. And sounds like it could look alot nicer to.
  7. ok guys ive doen everyhting i can heer to be nice so shut this guy up PLEASE WOW. and by the way ur car is a fucking 4 door family car.
  8. ok ok im done. sorry sorry i just hate wen somone puts down ur shit wen thers no need for that stuff. We all freinds here. Some of us have a million dollars some of us have 1 dollar. Just because my equipment may not be AWSOME. doesnt mean u have to come on here and criticize me, my stereo, and my car.
  9. im not trying to be a dick here. I think ive been pretty polite acctually.
  10. lol ur pretty defensive arnt u. for one ur car has 15 more hp then me. Weighs alot more. And is probably an automatic. To me your sub isnt that much to talk about and either is mine, You seemed to come on here and have a problem with me right form the start. I have been pretty polite about this so dont be a dick. Im guessing your car is bone stock to. And everyone on this forum usualy has done exhaust and intake so you sounded like a dum shit right ther. If you have a problem with me thats fine but u dont have to be a dick about shit.
  11. Lol its ok man. Everyone has there own styles. I wouldnt say its riced out. Im onto the clean suddle look. No stickers no body kits none of that bull shit. And if u lived close ide race ya lol. Lol that is wen i can drive by myself and without a parent hahaha. O and by the way i wouldnt say ur sub is much better quility then mine. I just found one for 80$. Lol http://www.sjgreatdeals.com/powfubar12w.html
  12. i can almost garuntee that p1 is seeing 350 watts. Im pushing this thing to its limits and you can tell that its giving all its got. Heres a vid to prove that this p1 does kick some serios ass for teh price. (by the way i got the sub for free to haha) dum best buy only charged me for the sub box and not the sub that came in it. haha. http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s193/bi...kingDAclock.flv http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s193/bi...NGonboard-1.flv o and its in a civic hatchback. Smaller then an aveo. The hole rear end of the car is laced in sound deadening. It may not be the most impressive system, But like i said its perfect for me. Considering im only 16 and make 8.50 an hour lol. Heres a pic of the rear end of the car. Wen the hatch is closed and the board is on top it acts like a port. There is tons of air flying out of there and since the car is so small it helps. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s193/bi...1/mybass043.jpg
  13. Ya my cuzin has bought sony amps. And many of them are no longer working. And ive heard they dont put out nearly as much power as they say they do. For amps ide either go MTX or Rockford. So far ive been pleased by both companies.
  14. I may be a total newb at this shit but i dont no if it matters the size of the magnet or anything. Doesnt the amp put out an equal amount of power to any sub. It just depends on the quility of sub to produce bass. Cuase ive always thought the amp will put out 350 watts rms even with a 20 watt rms speaker. Thats how speakers get blown. And even if im wrong wich i probably am. This amp/sub put out a very nice punch. It hits every low and i can even pull off a small hair trick wit the ladies lol.
  15. and also i payed 199$ CAD for my amp. It was regular 479$. I got it at futureshop. They no longer sell them its last years model so they were blowing them out. you can still find them on ebay and other places. Its a great little amp. It never gets hot and is well made.
  16. Just because my sub is rated for 200 watts rms doesnt mean that is how much im giving it. Im giving it 350 watts rms right now. and i will be upgrading to the alpine type R 15 or Rockford t1 15. Plus My alt is only 70 amps and i was getting pretty bad dimming during some bass lines. Absolutly no dimming now. I got the capacitor for free. So y not??
  17. ya i was just wondering i didnt even do it. Dont wanta take the chance of blowing em up. Im happy wit my 15 anywase.
  18. lol i already have a 15 inch car sub in ther. A rockford fosgate punch p1 . But i just have these 2x10's sitting here. Im not keeping them in the car just wanted to try em.
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