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Posts posted by 727Designs

  1. I mentioned this to him when you posted this before, this is what he told me... not sure if he has told you or not

    He told me he was unable to ship them to your APO for some reason (he told me why, but shit if I can remember). Since he already had the batteries and had to pay for them with some of your money he was unable to refund you at the time, he has been trying to sell the batteries to give you a refund.

    I know there is obviously no excuse for it taking so long, just maybe giving you info you hadn't heard yet.

  2. Old Autotek MM series where good amps, newer stuff is pretty well junk.

    Crunch's GP series isn't bad, the rest is also pretty well junk.

    Mixed reviews on MB Quart. The Discus I've heard some good about, some bad. The Onyx seems to do rated but haven't heard much else about them.

    Power Acoustik is junk.

    Soundstorm is junk.

    If your on a REALLY tight budget, Audiopipe's AP series does rated for cheap.

    If you have a little more to spend Crescendo has some nice stuff, really nice prices for the quality you get as well.

    Also if you're looking for 1k-ish, look for a used AQ1200, should be able to find them cheap.

  3. I had a buddy that had a little suzuki rm80. He was about 115 lbs and that thing would do 90 mph. it was an absolute freak. ive never seen another 80 that fast. IT would actually pull on a worked up banshee til the banshee hit 4th gear.

    I used to ride a CR80 big wheel that belonged to one of the Loretta's qualifiers the year before. No idea on the specs, but I was a big kid and it'd fly with me on it. Put 4-5 bike lengths out of the gate every time. With the right know how they can move out. My KX85 had a Hot Rods crank with a shaved Wiseco for a perfect balance, LOTS of port work, and alot more I can't honestly remember anymore and it was a screamer as well. Nothing like the CR though.

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