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Status Updates posted by teddyspl42

  1. I have the mist amazing girlfriend ever. She is so beautiful, funny, and smart. Her and our son light up my whole world. I am the luckiest man in the world to have them in my life.

    1. Azagtoth502
    2. locomanny569


      wow i never been this happy about my GF

  2. sick of getting fucked around by my "friends"

  3. The schnoze berries taste like schnoze berries!!! Hacked

  4. Wen yew tipe lyk diz, you look like an idiot. Please, go back to school and learn proper grammar.

    1. littlebuck1919


      lol or at least something with letters that are close :P ur example is what i've seen and its hard to understand...so i dont txt those people anymore. i just prefer abbreviations. :P

    2. locomanny569
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