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IBleedMusick last won the day on May 17 2013

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About IBleedMusick

  • Birthday 05/14/1987

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    Miami, FL
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  1. For the life of me I will just never understand big rims on fast cars its just idiotic. Why would you destroy the point of the car by making it incapable of turning quickly or going really fast or hell just able to fully lock your wheel for a u turn. But to each his own.

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    2. IBleedMusick


      That I can completely understand but when you buy a vehicle like a Camaro, Mustang or Challenger (the 3 cars I saw today at the shop) and you put rims so big on it you can no longer full turn it, you can no longer brake fast, the ride becomes harsh. I mean if you're going to do it don't cut corners seriously it took a guy 10 minutes to pull into the install bay because the damn thing can't turn even he admitted its a pain sometimes. Plus you can no longer go fast straight in those...

    3. IBleedMusick


      Most of the guys who wall fast cars get the suspension upgrades to support it. A lot of these guys around here just throw the rims on with no other mods.

    4. aN-i-No


      Eh...I wouldn't say most.

      But I feel you. If you're mad at cutting corners then that's legit. It just bothers me when people attack other people's styles because they don't like it.

      There are a lot of shitty installs out there, but not all bassheads are idiots, right?

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