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Posts posted by trainman0978

  1. Hell, I paid a buddy of mine that works at a audio shop to install my first setup in the FJ, two years ago. Sadly, I will never pay somebody again, just from using the people and their knowledge here to help me, and that was mostly just taking the time to read and listen to what kind of mistakes they made. I even went so far as to gut my entire vehicle to install sound deadener , with only the knowledge of common sense and some help from the various forums I participate in. I have a lot of mechanical experience, but plastic interiors have a lot of hidden fasteners and clips and things that you can destroy if you dont know they are there. The internet made it so much easier. Especially when it came to pulling out my headliner and re installing it without damaging it. I still have a lot to learn... especially about tuning and some of the more technical electronic aspects of car audio, but I have the basics down, and the foundation is the key. learn the basics and the rest will be easier to understand...

  2. 07 Toyota FJ cruiser. Nothing but premium.

    you are talking about a difference of about 20 cents a gallon usually.... every ten gallons is 2 bucks difference in cost from reg. versus premium. If you can't afford it, you need to re budget your spending habits. It just doesnt make sense to me to not do it. I was a technician at a car dealership for a few years, and I have taken engines apart and you can tell what kind of gas was used without any real investigating. piston heads and valves tell the whole story.

  3. I cant blame ya for wanting the power... The last time i saw one of these for sale locally, I first thought it was our old car for sale, ( upon talking with dad I found out ours left the state headed west ) and realized it wasn't due to a different interior color, but, it was a hack job of a hot rod. The had a 500 something cubic inch ford motor in it ( prolly some block bored over or something ) with a powerglide tranny, but it was totally redneck with axle hop bars of the rear leafs and a shoddy exhaust system... the aftermarket shifter was cut into the tranny hump really poor ... the whole car was now shit. and to top it off , in todays prices , they were asking 23 grand for it... It couldnt have been worth 5 grand with all the shit the ruined in the process ... sorta sad, if it wasnt hacked up we might have bought it.

  4. I love these cars, and I guess there has to be some hot rods out there too.... I prefer showroom original, no matter how it came equipped. just me though.

    By all means, keep going, no matter how long it takes. the satisfaction of taking a car from what you have now to drivable and show worthy is so rewarding.

    After that car was sold, I built my mom a 1970 VW when I was in my early 20s , and it was in worse shape than your car is now. It took best of show twice after I finished it in 2004. The internal reward and personal sense of satisfaction for me is unforgettable.

  5. well, so far I am quite happy with the wolfgang line and the pinnacle wax, but the auto geek forums have taught me a lot more, I have been lurking there more than posting, and there are a few other product lines I wanna try out when I start running low on what I have now... but I can't say enough about the porter cable buffer and the lake country pads. I dont think I could ever duplicate these results by hand...

  6. We had a '73 mach 1 for several years when I was growing up. We sold it when I was 14, on account of my parents insurance told them to either remove the car from the policy, or remove my brother from the policy, or the insure policy would be canceled entirely,.... on account of my brother having three wrecks with in the first year of driving. My father and I started on that car with it running and drive able, basically a rolling restoration. We rebuilt every part of it, restored the body, the suspension rolling gear, driveline, motor, trans, brand new interior, all original from the various mustang supply houses around the states... I miss that car so much. We had the ram air, the hood pins, a 351 Cleveland , c6 tranny ( I think ) ... Me and dad were talking about it a while back. He hunted around for a 68 but could not find what he wanted, and started looking into the big ponies ... He found our car in jacksonville, FL. and he said it had every option you could get inside and out, the thruster rims and A/C , auto, all the options. Ours was originally yellow as well, but the guy he bought it from owned a el-cheapo spray bake type body shop and he tossed a coat of red on it to sell it quick....We had already cut in all the body panels and door jambs back yellow just before we sold it. some dude in the military bought it, and he took it back to montana or somewhere. It was actually kinda cool , the buyers dad and brother both had 73 mach 1 mustangs, with very similar option lists... so the car went to a good owner.

    Sorry for the thread jack.

  7. In the past two days I have done some work. In addition to adding my batteries yesterday, I started on the outside getting it ready for a full day of polishing and waxing today...

    I started early this morning by putting up the canopy and taping off all the plastic, then I used a clay bar over the whole truck. I didnt really need to use the swirl remover after doing it a while back, so I went straight to the finishing glaze using the buffer. Next I applied the paint sealant with the buffer, and although you are supposed to wait at least ten hours for the sealant to cure, I have read that it wouldnt hurt if wax was going on right after. So I also used my pinnacle wax and let it dry in real good, removed it, and then went over the whole truck with pinnacle quick detailer to get any wax that I missed with the micro fiber towels... I think It looks pretty damn clean :)

    this was after the finishing glaze and sealant..






    And after the waxing the quick detailer , and the tape was taken off...




  8. x2...

    what you need to look for is what computer will let you access and view those movies the easiest way possible. Ram and processing only come into effect when running multiple programs at once so the OS doesn't bog down. The more speed you have , the easier it is for the hardrive to run all programs as efficiently as it possibly can.

    The user interface ( the operating system ) is what I consider the key decision is buying a computer, cause I don't game, and I am no programmer by any means. Of course harddrive and processor speed and size is a consideration, but for what most folks do on a laptop, going overboard is sort of a waste of money.

  9. those tires make them extremely buoyant. The first four wheeler I ever owned was a fourtrax 200 and we were out riding at night and I went through some very deep water without knowing what I was getting into, and my front end was bobbing up and down a little bit with stock itty bitty tires on it. What makes these guys interesting to me is the fact they are out in the rivers and lakes using their atvs as rafts or boats. It is one thing to cross a river or creek like that, but these guys are just out there fucking around for long periods of time with the whole ass end of the four wheeler under water and the stereo systems playing the whole time. Some of those bikes are upwards of 8 grand brand new and I just dont think I could do it if I spent that kind of cash on a bike...

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