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Posts posted by trainman0978

  1. Funny. While reading through the thread and saw you tossed it next door, I was gonna tell you you would see it again. You NEED to make sure it is dead, bag it in 5 or thrash bags and toss it in the can for the garbage man to pick up. Let it rot and decompose next door and you will smell it, every local animal that can get to it will mess with it, and probably get sick. Even if it is not rabies , they carry all sorts of other diseases and bacteria that doesn't die when the host animal dies. I would seriously take your dog to the vet ASAP. Keep a close eye on your pup and make sure he doesn't start acting strange, of course foaming is a very bad sign, but watch for things like diarrhea, shaking, spasms, discoloration of his eyes, not eating, any tell tale sign that he might be getting sick... Worst thing you could of done was let your dog get to that animal with open wounds....

  2. I missed your second post when I typed out my first one. I would just consider buying a flat bed already built, with no rail, just wheel fenders, and build the rest of it to suit your needs. You dont need a long ramp since you wont be driving a mower up on it, so you you can build that your self, and probably buy a trailer frame with no wood on it , and deck it yourself. Fabbing up a whole trailer is a big job, you got to make sure it is square, and flat, and some what balanced. You also gotta get the axles on the frame square so the trailer will track right as it is pulled down the road at speed. You dont want to get goin and look into your view and see the trailer crab walking out to the side of your truck even a little bit. That is just asking for trouble, especially pulling into tight spots or narrow roads, and it will make backing the trailer more fun that you want it to be. Try and find a trailer with no wiring, no decking and no gate, and start with that. Most trailers are built on jigs to keep them square. The hassle of trying to build a frame is more of a hassle than it is worth.

  3. i made my elderly land lord orgasm in my truck so i dont get tomany complaints. I always turn it down when entering and leaving and I test and tune in the middle of no were.

    If I were you I would invest some $ in large guns and high explosives or a large dirt bike. I would sit on my back porch and let er rip. Then id tell every one its that or car audio.

    you always know how to put things into perspective P. I am kinda sad, and happy that I don't have you as a next door neighbor :)

  4. Truly, congrats. Glad to hear everyone is healthy. My best friend and his wife have basically been living in the childrens hospital in charleston, SC since may. Their baby was born three months early, and has got all kinds of problems. been in prenatal ICU pretty much the whole time.

    not trying to sob up your thread, just happy for you...

    Enjoy your new found passion for life man :)

  5. Damn Db, in that third pic up from the bottom in meade's post you can see the camera strap reflection in the paint. Awesome work....

    Edit :

    hey , I know a guy that knows this guy that you don't know, and I don't really know either, and he don't you , but ship that stuff all the way out to georgia and let him paint it. He does some awesome stuff with a paint brush and craft paint. For free. How could you pass a offer like that up Meade? :rofl:

  6. So your those irritating mother fukers who have no respect and blast their system were ever they go regardless of whose around? Got it?


    well, i tirned it donw so she could order.

    not likei order with it playing put on or louie bag, then i turned it up to about half way and she started bitchin.


    First, way too many typos to understand exactly what you meant.

    second. She started bitchin cause you were being rude and completely inconsiderate. It is because of behavior like this that cops write tickets for loud stereos... Come on, In a drive thru? WTF? We all know that a 18 inch sub with decent power and the right box is gonna rattle other vehicles around it , especially when you are damn near bumper to bumper to another car, in a drive thru.

    I usually try to leave my comments and thoughts out of your threads, cause I have met you once or twice and you seem like a good guy, but this is just plain rude and immature. It would be one thing if you were trying shut some dude up who was up there bumpin his little bit of wal mart bass , kinda puttin 'em in their place if you will, but not somebody who obviously could care less. And then to turn it up more when "she started bitchin", she should went to the back of your truck and got your tag number. Cause in georgia , that is all it takes for them to issue you a ticket for noise violations....

  7. 30-30's are nice brush hunting rifles, but I'd seriously step up to a 30.06. Your friend is right, because the 30-30 is a brush gun, it doesn't have a lot of range. The 30.06 will give you the needed punch, the range and plus you have a huge variety of bullets and weights to choose from when hunting.

    I've personally hunted deer with a 30-30 once and right after I took the shot, I realized the 30-30 just didn't have the punch or range that I was hoping for. So I sold it and stick with the 30.06. Pending on what I am hunting, with a 30.06 you can go anywhere from about a 150 gr up to a 180 gr....you couldn't ask for anything better :D

    This is just exactly how a 30-30 was initially described to me as well. Down here, we have a lot of thick brush, tall grass from clear cutting, and lots of pine trees that grow really tall, and every deer I have ever shot has always been within 50 yards of my tree, and often closer than that. I like the 270, some like the 30-.06 , but either way, going to either of those from a 30-30 is a very noticable difference in power, performance, stopping power, shooting distance, and of course, cost. But yes, a 30-30 will certainly do just fine deer hunting, just dont plan on even trying to shoot that deer that is over a hundred yards from you, unless you know how to aim taking into account, trajectory, wind speed , etc... most likely, if you even hit the deer, you will need multiple shots , which is kinda poor hunting technique, and also dangerous...

  8. I own a 336 , it is a great gun for hunting in very thick wooded areas. I wouldn't go trying to take any shots way out across a field with it though. A .30-.30 will stop a hog in its tracks if done right. The problem is what a lot of people call "the armor plate" which is a very thick cartilage type shield over the front area of its body. It is kinda hard to describe where it is exactly, as I havent shot a hog in over ten years. I do remember though, I shot a hog once, and I hit that layer of armor, and while the bullet went through, it wasnt by by much. we found the bullet just inside the muscle behind the armor plate. The second shot , at about ten feet away did her in. I was walking out the woods in some very tall brush and walked past a sal and her piglets , and as you may or may not know, a mamma hog is VERY protective of her young. She came running at me , or well, the sound and smell of me, all I could see was the tall grass moving and her squeeling and snorting in anger . I jumped up on a fallen pine tree and could see her coming at me. the first shot did nothing , but piss her off, although I did kinda shoot blindly, and just at a blob of color through the field grass..... Now, it may sound unsafe but I was just 30 feet up in tree and could see my hunting partner in his tree,along with everything all around the area for over a half mile. and i knew where he was, and at this point I was verbally communicating with him and making him aware I was dealing with a very pissed off hog. I would have much rather had my .270, but at the time I didnt own one. that day alone was enough of an experience to get me to go gun shopping for a little more punch , and a little more speed. hello winchester.

    the marlin is one hell of a great gun though. you can damn near toss that thing in the mud and pick it up and fire it. the barrel is nice and short so it makes it easy to carry with a stand on your back, or dragging a deer out the woods. I started out with that gun, and I will never get rid of it.

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