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Posts posted by EBW

  1. He's using crossovers provided with the components which cut out any freqs the drivers are not ment for I know mine do reguardless of input signal and its better to start people in the right direction than to vomit information so the get confused or discouraged plus his HU set up won't let any lower freqs out so bottoming out is not a factor but distortion on the other hand is all in the HU volume max and amp gain settings, wasn't tryin to overload the guy but I'm sure he will be alright as long as he uses his crossovers and keeps the gains at a respectable level

    *I stand corrected my crossovers freq rang is 55hz to 20khz so they do cut out the low bass but not all the bass

  2. If you can afford it sundown all the way that or RF bdcp series I'm not gonna knock Hifonics old bx series are about the best bang for the buck and are cea certified I know I own a bx1605d and a bx1500d but both I had the update the caps and input transistors due to below par factory installed one but what can I say a true 1600wrms amp for $100 its hard to beat. But sundown on the other hand... saz1500 is a 1900wrms amp would love to get a couple of those that are blown cheap

  3. If your running components or 6x9 on cross overs you can just turn you ferqs settings all the way up let the crossovers do their job as for gains if your HU RCAs puts out 4,5,6v then you gains should be fairly low due to I high input signal but Alpine makes some good stuff so you should be ok as for xover location I mounted mine in the door with the speakers just forward of the window track with the thick double sided foam tape just be sure you clean both the crossover and mounting location with isp alcohol first for a good bond and mount the where the heat from the summers sun doesn't make gravity/vibration work against you trust me last thing you want to do is tear panels off again cause your electronics are bumbling around

  4. Anyway I can get serial # 140 Steve that would be epic

    lol at some of the replies in here.

    After upfront expenses and RnD 30k isn't really 30k but he's getting his product out there and more exposure = more customers and that my friend is where the bank is going to come from, after he sells about 500 of these thing he's gonna be one happy dude, and are these things made in USA? Or just assembled here?

    Let's see, in the one pic, there are about 200 units at 150ish each = around 30k...NICE!!! :drink40:

    Make that money.

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