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Status Updates posted by EBW

  1. donate to the crunkjuice fund he deserves a DD-1

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EBW


      we got our goal and made crunk a happy man

    3. EBW


      we got our goal and made crunk a happy man

    4. crunkjuice1


      Thanks again for all your help!!! you and everyone else that helped and tried but couldn't.

  2. GLWS = Butt hurt? WAT?

    1. EBW


      I have the power here :) I can silence anyone I want, have nice day

  3. Hey don't get all mushy on me lol :*/ just do what I can everybody on here had nothing but good shit to say about you... I'm just a medium in the deal and made good use out of my day

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