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Posts posted by hoit

  1. wow...been a member for years now...just stumbled across this thread! my bad! my name is john. i'm in SW Washington state. I've been in love with mobile audio for sometime...just the past few years though I've really tried to get serious. not in to competing, just great sounding and looking systems. all about the spread of accurate knowledge, and the love of the industry! remember, we do this because we love it! don't ever overlook that! have a great day!! :yahoo:

  2. ive been told it is not wise to mix agm batts with wet cell batteries. I agree with sierra, a high output alternator would be a good investment...as many amps as you can get (cause we all upgrade sooner or later). get a second opinion on your alt belt issue (not saying your boy doesn't know what he's talking about, just cover all bases). ask questions, research...most of us here are here to help, but we can't make you smarter. :P

  3. I completely hear you ROLEX....I totally support CJ for what he is trying to do. the right tool for the job is always the right tool for the job, and Tony and co. really have made it easier for all to set gains, crossover, etc. correctly....

    I don't really have any peeps close to me, or I'd just borrow from them, even pay to borrow. So, to offer this kind of rental is cool. And I'd hate to see someone try to take advantage of CJ with this generous idea.

  4. sounds good to me! :good: the only crazy part is ...if you have to have the full amount to rent it, why not just buy it?

    don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful opportunity for many (including me) who don't truly find the value in purchasing a tool for one, maybe two uses.

    I would love to rent the AM-1, as well as the CC-1....just have to do a little thinking on my part!

  5. YES!!! I am pretty much on my own where I live (you guys are my only friends! :cray:) ...and , well, if you're gonna spend all this money on reputable equipment and gear, you have to have the right tool to do the job! I only have the DD-1, but im sure TONS of folks on this forum would love to utilize the tools that are readily available. I tune maybe once a year, so a rental program would be absolutely ideal! The CC-1 and AMM-1 would really get my system where it should be!

    Extremely interested! :good:

  6. I used fat mat (100 sq. ft.) for a first time using a sound deadener...like most, budget is a factor...hence the reason I chose fat mat. One layer 100% on all four doors, entire trunk, entire floorboard and under seats. a couple of spots trying to come up, but I blame myself for not taking my time and doing a more thorough job initially installing it. but...rebuilding entire car this spring, and looking into fat mat rattletrap, megamat, and even considering looking into more expensive products. im sure second skin is a great product...I guess the big question is just how much im willing to spend and what my final goal will be. tripling power this spring, so at least another layer in the doors, trunk, and possibly the roof (ugh!)

    will create a build log this spring with pics!

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