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Posts posted by Sergeant_Skyrim

  1. \

    UPDATED today!! Free 2nd day shipping (on top of the coupon codes) for the rest of the month! Buy it today, get it by Friday! I have everything in stock and ship same day as orders come in (before 3-4pm pacific time).

    Steve will the discount show in my cart for shipping i applied the code for the discount no issues and when checking out i chose the 2day option thinking its free still shows charge of the extra 20 some odd bucks... when i actually purchase it will it come out 139.99 or will i be charged the full 160. and be recredited for the shipping me not checking before going to the bank only put enough in the bank for the meter >.> thanks in advance for the help

    I ordered with the ground shipping and he just automatically upgraded it to 2day for me. So if it's still going on then I'd assume you'd do the same and just choose regular ground shipping

  2. Alright, so I went ahead and bought a DD-1 so that I'd be able to set my gains like a pro and I hate to say it but Meade's friend Jaybird has made me feel like a fool. I read the manual before I went to sleep last night, even tucked it in, and I was still unsuccessful when trying to use it today.

    To start off with, my headunit is a Pioneer Super Tuner III DEH-P3900MP. I started by replacing my RCA's and remote wire today because I've been having issues with them where they had been hooked up for the past 6 or so years (+ I just wanted new ones!). So I hooked up my RCA's into my headunit correctly and then proceeded to try checking my headunit with the DD-1...

    I followed the instructions in the manual for measuring a headunit only. Set all of my settings to 0 and EQ to flat. I then proceeded to plug my RCA into the top of the DD-1. I played track 1 like it instructed and didn't even get a 40Hz signal light until the mid-40s volume (max 62). I then continued to turn up the volume on my headunit and didn't even get a distortion light until I hit volume 62. I repeated the steps for the 1kHz track and was able to turn it up to 62/62 without any distortion at all. I decided to play it on the safer side of the two and just go with the lower 61 value.

    I moved on to the amplifier (MTX RTP251D). Unhooked the wires running to my subs and hooked the DD-1 ground up to the amp ground and put the positive probe from the DD-1 into the + speaker spot on my amp. I was barely able to move the gain at all from the minimum setting on my amp before the DD-1 distortion light came on.

    Long story short, I went to listen to the Decaf'd version of White Girl and it sounded like shit. Not only did it sound like shit, the bass was barely there at all. I have reset everything by ear like I had before until I can figure this out, I'm just looking for some guidance right about now because I want to know how to do this when I go to hook up my new system. Had a long day with trying to get my damn Cavalier dash off without breaking it (failed) and I'm really hoping that I can get this problem nipped in the butt by tomorrow night. Hell, if there's even anybody around the central FL area that's used the DD-1 before and might be able to help me then I'd even be willing to drive to you!

  3. UPDATED today!! Free 2nd day shipping (on top of the coupon codes) for the rest of the month! Buy it today, get it by Friday! I have everything in stock and ship same day as orders come in (before 3-4pm pacific time).

    Great deal once again! I just tried going through checkout and it says that it's still charging for 2 Day shipping? Is there something else we have to do to get the free 2nd day shipping? Looking forward to ordering one today

  4. Hifonics Brutus 2400

    I've played with one of those DB drive amps. They seem like they are pretty decent for the money

    +1 for a BRZ2400.1D or a 2100.1D. Got my 2100 in and Hifonics seems pretty good for money spent vs how much power you get

  5. Wow man thanks for the pic. I also believe I have found my Big 3 wire. I will put the order in for it later this morning. I really appreciate the pic though. That helped out quite a bit.

    Thanks again ya'll


    No problem man, I didn't need it to be that flexible for my own personal use so when I ordered it I had expected it to be considerably less flexible. Really surprised me that I could get true 1/0 that flexible for 2.49 a foot haha

  6. Port area is 15.64ft. Its perfect so its not that.

    15.64 feet seems pretty wide :lol2:

    All seriousness aside though, try taking a video and seeing if you can still hear/recognize your problem on video. Somebody else might be able to too. And you're saying that the bass itself is still there, just this other noise too?

  7. There's really no point. You said you have the space, so its not really like youre squeezing out those last bits of volume. And cooling...the subs keep cool on their own, lol. That was a personal preference when I said not to, it is your choice though

    I would just prefer to have it inverted so that if anything were to happen (hopefully not) then I'd be able to smell it almost immediately. That, and I love the way the ass end looks with the American flag and all. AMERICA. FUCK YEAH!

    (Just was wanting to make sure inverting wouldn't affect performance or anything like that)

  8. I was thinking of trying 32Hz with either ~16.25^2 per or ~17.6^2 per. I listen to a lot of BigPimpin/Decaf in addition to non-boosted/slowed music. And why shouldn't I invert?

    Theres only one way to find out if that works........you know what I mean. Trail and error. LOL

    Yeah, I was thinking I might have to end up doing that to be honest. Build 2 different boxes and see which one suits my needs better. Would just be a pain in the ass to do...

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