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Posts posted by Ninja_v1.0

  1. If you are replacing your transmission, should the transmission place send you the tools to put your transmission in your car?

    If you are mounting your new flat screen to the wall are you supposed to have the included drill and screwdriver included in the box?

    Just curious


    last time i checked glue and activator costs like 10 bucks, the tools to replace a tranny is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH more. (so throw that analogy out the window)

    and a good amount of TVs come with magnetic screwdrivers believe it or not.

    response doesn't matter.


  2. whats the point? The point is he KNEW this was going on and covered it up in order to keep the recruiters coming. WHO gives a flying shit what he donated to the school. The reason that taking away all his wins that he did was because he was CROOKED to begin with. What sense does it make me being the kingpin drug dealer and head of a cartel that kill and murders yet I give out chicken dinners during winter and build schools for the kids? They are both guilty, they got what they deserved and its good for them. What this goes to show is that the football program was way more important than the actual education which is supposed to be the main reason of going to college. They put football first and now they are going to pay for it. I don't feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for the kids that were fucked against their will and having it covered up for years. But just as the dumbass with the tweets will say its Penn State for life. They both deserved to be put in public and tortured until the point their hearts stops beating.


  3. orionstang- Subs awesome best buy ive had. Got a complaint the other day i was shaking the 8th floor of an apartment building Oo! I need to upgrade a couple things but im back in school and dont have extra money right now flex issues will be dealt with. That song is 25hz I cook off decaf mix. Jordan guess its a 2007 Ford Ranger extended cab. You could fit 2 18's but a wall would be nesissary. Im pretty sure my dimensions are as follows. 45 inches long. 26 inches tall by 16 inches wide with a 6 and a half inch port tuned to 30hz

    what a fucking dumb idiot. Dumb-ass's like you who give bassheads a bad name. I wouldn't be suprised if someone ends up stealing your chit. When in an apartment complex keep that fucking shit down until you get on the street



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