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Posts posted by Ninja_v1.0

  1. Guess I should give a little back story, back in 2000 I was involved in an accident. No I was not drinking or on drugs, nothing like that. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was sitting at an intersection and had a bit of a blind spot. It was one of those intersections where cross traffic does not stop, anyways I thought I was clear so went to cross and before I knew it I had a 1997 Volvo in my front end. Now the part that sucks is that I thought I had insurance on this car, I shared it with my mom and younger brother. We all had our parts to pay for the insurance. The day before I had given my mom my part of the insurance, only to find out it was never paid. So thats why I owe 9k. Now I had worked very hard to get my license back and did it in 2009. I got my license back and everything was going good. I was making payments (still do) on this accident to pay it off, I did miss a few cause of not working. All I know now is that only way I can get this taken care of is to pay the accident in full. So thats why I'm moving back home, so I don't have to worry bout my license or anything. I think they could of punished me a different way, I mean I was just starting out driving, yet people who were worse drivers than I was back then really just get a slap on wrist. And to make things worse, the accident was the day before my 20th bday and just 3 months prior to that I had open heart surgurey.

    Im guessing the care was in your name? Also if all of you were going in on the insurance why not sue them for 1/3 of what you owed? If you can provide proof that all of you were chpping on money ?

  2. Ryan,

    I drunk 3.5 one night, was the same night i lost my admin status because i went rampid and ended up passing out on my keyboard lol

    I had 4 in one night, but I'm a professional... I don't recommend anyone doing this...


  3. Yes, They will FUCK you up.

    Good night though...

    Had 2 of the watermelon ones in bout half an hour had 1 more throughout the night.. Tanked the rest of the night. Dizzy in the morning.

    Not sure if they were the 12% alcohol ones or the 8%. Was quite a few months ago...

    Havn't touched one since. Hehe.

    EDIT: Was drinking more than just Loko's though. Few mixed drinks and shots etc. But didn't really dig the taste of em...Only way to find out is to try.

    2 of them in a 30 minute period


  4. Its not worth it to drink four lokos, I haven't heard one person say they enjoyed it. They fuak you up and make you sheeiit and piss a rainbow. They are illegal to produce now and once they are sold out they will be gone for ever. A guy in my city died from seizuring out after drinking one.

    Ummm, they're still legal. They just had to remove the caffeine. It still has the alcohol, so persons aged 21+ can still buy it. Now, if you put caffeine things in it after you buy it, you'll get the old Four Locos.

    Actually no.. The 12% alcohol cans were banned in the US about a year ago. it sweeped across the states from one to the other in rapid succession.. the vendors were allowed to sell there stocks out but the manufacture was made to stop producing it because people were literally drinking themselves to death on it. the energy drink in it slowed the alcohols effect on the brain causing people to drink more and more of it unknowingly causing alcohol poisoning. and then death. It was too much energy, an WAY to much alcohol for stupid irresponsible people..

    BUT the company DID remake it.. same energy, WAY less alcohol... its now 8% alcohol cans.. and they all still taste like crap.

    Now before someone trys to argue with me about this, the fact is I worked at a dispenser when the 4loko scandal occurred so i was on the front lines when this happened.. i heard everything from the manufacture. Now upon hearing this my friends and I brought out the 4loko in every store withing 200 miles and were still drinking on it today... and regretting it in the morning.

    Moral of the story is the new 8% 4loko will still get you drunk, but your better off just drinking sparks because they taste way betterr.. and blue raspberry tastes like Hitlers piss after eating skittles.




    They are legal again, they had to remove the caffeine and they still come in 12%.


  5. its not a home pc thats why. And since its hosted by a company its how they get you.

    FB-DIMM's are not "home PC" ram ; )

    As to the cost, there's no way it should be costing that much. Really for the price if this is a drop in the bucket you could build your own server and have it co-located or even just upgrade the home/shop network and put it there ; )

    but whatever, its faster.. who cares :D

    Another user blowing smoke right out of his ass. What would you suggest him upgrade his home network to? 20 meg cable? 50 meg cable? Do you understand what a "dedicated" server means? Do you understand why people pay over $200+/month for bonded T1's? Are you able to take the dso's from a dedicated Tl and use them for other things such as voice? Have you ever seen how much ram cost for an actual server?


    Hell while were at it, why dont we just use an old 386 computer, throw linux on there, give about 6 gigs of pc 133ram and have him host it on a damn dailup connection. Im sure he can save a shitload of money that way.



  6. i thought teh quadwood would have a better following here. oh wells, me and sensai are the only ones here who are oldschool enough to know teh awesome uber l33t powers of quadwood.

    They no understand the powa of the Quadwood with it's great audio properties and ability to get you to those increased levels of es pee el that will never be proven

  7. Haha move to florida.

    Free replacement windshields!

    Free? How so?

    In the state of Florida, windshield cracks and chips are repaired free of charge. According to Florida statute 627.7288, if you have comprehensive coverage on your vehicle your insurance company will pick up the tab for any repair or replacement that you may need. The law states that your deductible will be waived. In most cases, your insurance company will send someone to your home or office to replace or repair your windshield.

    If this is true, maybe someone should tell pippo and tommy this information as they have never gotten their windshield replaced for free!

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