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Posts posted by Ninja_v1.0

  1. nice, should do something to work on that voltage, those amps will not last to long with your voltage dropping into the 11's and that never healthy for any amp!


    Why, when the auto environment is 12.6V... He's only dropping .8V off of what a regular vehicle runs at... I never understood people that flipped out about a single Volt or half a volt... I've ran amps down to 10s and I know people that've ran them into the 9's and stalled out their vehicles... Lol... Maybe these new amps are just shitty, Anyone have an explanation?

    BTW, Nice vid OP...

    Could that be one of the reasons all of them blew up


    And Ryan if that is the case then what do we need to run extra alt have extra batts for. Lets just run all of our amps down around 9-10v and call it a day. But then again I dont have any amps to run so i guess ill stfu.


  2. Well I wish I could explain it, but I can't . I'm just saying that IMO the spike on the sine wave is something else.

    If you cannot explain it then your reasoning behind it is flawed, therefore you should have not even commented in this post. But I can't explain why you know something you have seen before and yet explain it so I guess I shouldn't have commented either. Makes sense ?

    Prob not just as your post didn't make much sense at all.



  3. The first thing you need to consider is your box. Do you have the proper enclosure, port area, etc from the box that you currently have now ? What box are you using? Who built it? What's it tuned to? I can assure you if you are using the old 1200d models ( crome) ones that the amps are not your issue. In testing ( and I have done just about all the testing you could do with the older Orion stuff as I used to be sponsored by them) I can tell you that 2x1200's strapped were STRONGER than a single 2500d. I would look into getting a single enclosure instead of using 2x of the same boxes you have. Just an opinion but then again what da hell do i know :unknw:

  4. Sorry Chewie that I was unable to make it to the bbq, but when your locked up its pretty hard to do. I just got out today and will be calling you later to explain what few things my laywer is allowing me to talk about.


    off duty cop that is drunk


    more guns

    guns being fired

    I'm here and my pre-trail is on Friday so we will see where we are from there. I am looking at quite a bit of time if I end up getting convicted. Say a few prayers for me if you could.


  5. 1) you state that you had no wine before. You added a battery in the back and redid wiring and now you are getting wine

    What wiring did you redo

    2) Take additional batt out the equation. test and see if you are still getting wine with batt out

    3) what type of hu you have? I know pioneers are notorious for this ( just checking)

    4) run hu from a friends car if possible ( take his rcas, get some extenders and run them into your amp) and play from his car and see if you get wine

    If yes to 4

    try swapping your amp out for another one if possible....

    hope this helps

  6. Chris they are strong amps and if you send them to anyone I would recommend db-r.com. I have gone through about 6 ( blown) fro various things, from output going bad to inputs frying to fets deciding to melt on me. I still love them to this day! Chris will do you right!


  7. I had 8 total, gave 2 to Jason when he went to finals and never seen them nor him again. Put two in da ex's car on some h2's that I didn't blow up yet, sold 2 and I had 2 left. Then when I got into that car accident I lost one so 1 left. I still have 2 4800's that was send after I blew up my 800.4s and da 2 pair of 6.2's that are going in da fusion. Now that I think about it I still have 3 h2 12's left as well lol



  8. I've ran these amps since way back in 05. Take the back off and look and see if you see any burned up fets across the top of the amp. This amp is also known for having blown outputs as well so you may want to have that checked as well. What load were you running this amp at? Is this the chrome model from back in teh day ?


  9. Vacations? the dude is looking out, its what everyone should be doing I hate when people try to shaft people. He's just pointing out the obvious. Some people dont know prices and especially woofers I'd want someone to step in and say "hey this isnt worth that..." so I dont lose hundreds lol. and that was a bad comparison the Iphone lol... But seriously its only 8GB ipod touch with a lot of problems I'll do $25.

    take note of the warning! =@

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