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Status Updates posted by BooMBoX

  1. going to attempt to install my alternator at some point this week. major fab and mods here I come XD, leds also gonna be finished up tomorrow.

  2. Way too much crap to think about/deal with at this current point in time. I just need sometime to get away from everything and figure out shit.

  3. and I am done dealing with that continuous string of bullshit. who ever thought i could put up with that for over a year XD if you know me you know who im talkin about

  4. and once again gonna be fun tomorrow =/ hate leaving my phone in the car

  5. Yo who wants to get some food? Im headin out to rt.22 if anyones down txt me

  6. Pm's are full. what would we be talkin for th bb 1250.1? thanks for the heads up.

  7. bed as shit. its gonna be hard doin this for two whole days =/

  8. Happy Holidays everyone.

  9. Not sure how this is going to work out but hopefully it can work out without blowing up...

  10. and good day to bad in 5 mins. gotta love my fuckin family

  11. who's down to chill tomorrow i need to get out of bernards. hmu

  12. Bored as fuck, who's down to chill tonight?

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