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Posts posted by Smoove

  1. sounds like it may have broke an axle in the rear end ... might get lucky and the differential chunk be ok ...

    might be best anyways to replace the entire rearend if this is the case ...

    and if this is a daily driver, why would you want to go with a posi / lower geared rearend guys ??

    unless of course this was a street machine I could definately see this upgrade ...

    Yes the my posi 4:10's get me off the line faster. Great for that once a year towing of a trailer. reduced down shifting when driving up a hill. Fixes gear ratio issue when running on Big wheels. Yes my truck is a daily Driver.

  2. Silva is good, I won't say over rated. I will say he got lucky Sonnen made a big mistake and Silva used it to his advantage. I am a fan of neither guy. Holding shorts should have been called by the ref, but Silva should have never held the shorts from one side of the cage to the other. And yes the ref wiped of what he could when Silva was greasing. I have fought in the cage, and trained many pro fighters and they will all tell you the same thing. You can't wipe off all of the Vaseline. The Nevada athletic commission cleared Sonnen for the fight so "TRT" was not a factor. And if anyone thinks that thigh to the jaw was not a factor should go do some MMA training.

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