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Posts posted by basshead8569

  1. I got the wire in the amp real tight and I have it bolted down as tight as i could on my car. Also chipped the paint off where its bolted to.

    Did you sand down where the ground is? Could be some paint or something there making it not a solid connection ground. I had just a lil bit of paint and thought it would be fine. But mine would turn on but thats it. After going over everything I was told that and it was the problem.

  2. That don't sound right, were you drunk or something? What is your ticket for? I had a similiar situation but I decided to pound the guy and he went to jail not me. Don't touch me stuff eh!

    My daughter is 19 months. So it has been over 19 months since I have been drunk. And I am a small guy. I think that he was stoned. Cause he was a somewhat built guy. And the ticket is for assault and battery. And I can not make out the other one. Sloppy writing by the cop. Guess using zip ties to hold someone down that broke into your car and you want to see them pay for it is wrong.

    Man that is so wrong. What the hell you supposed to do let em take your stuff. Plus your daughter was around I'd have done the same. Guy is lucky IMO. Man I hate hearing stuff like this.

    Im protective of my family and stuff. Bust my ass for the lil things that I have. And there is no way I will let someone take them with out a fight.

  3. That don't sound right, were you drunk or something? What is your ticket for? I had a similiar situation but I decided to pound the guy and he went to jail not me. Don't touch me stuff eh!

    My daughter is 19 months. So it has been over 19 months since I have been drunk. And I am a small guy. I think that he was stoned. Cause he was a somewhat built guy. And the ticket is for assault and battery. And I can not make out the other one. Sloppy writing by the cop. Guess using zip ties to hold someone down that broke into your car and you want to see them pay for it is wrong.

  4. Ok. So I am a small built guy. But, I can put up a fight. So, I am inside watching movies with my daughter. Single father life I love. And I just thought that it was the wind. Cause it is really raining and the wind is whipping. But, then my key pad for my viper alarm flashed and went off and then I hear my car going off. So I ran outside and the guy was still trying to take my radio with no face plate out of my dash. I have it in there pretty good. So I grabbed the guy by his hair and through him out of my car. After a lil fight. The guy was not trying to get away. So, I finally got him to the ground and I still had zip ties in my pocket. So, I zip tied his hands behind him and held it till the cops showed up. Now I am the one getting a ticket. And he got away. How is this right? He broke into my car. And was trying to steal my stuff. But, since I protected myself/property im in trouble? What do you all that read this think of this? I know I am fighting this ticket. My neighbor and I think that it is the same guy that has been breaking into other cars in the neighborhood.

  5. first off i haven't had any problems with my amp its a rf t1500bdcp and i have 2 rf T1d212's running at 2 ohm's.

    problem is every so often it will cut out for about 10 seconds. amp is not getting hot at all, the grounds are all good at 0.1 ohm is all im getting with my volt meter. its getting plenty of power so im stumped any help would be awesome.

    thanks in advance!!

    see my build for more build info and pics in my sig below

    When mine did that was when I had a 4 gauge wiring kit with 2 kenwood performance series 1,800 watt amps. I Went to a 0 gauge wiring kit and it stopped. And it only did it when I was hitting hard. But, when I was just cruising and had it on low it was fine. If you already 0 gauge then idk. Bad wire maybe??

  6. I’ve seen a couple few posts lately of guys getting totally screwed over by their woman and just wanted to take a minute to point something out to you guys (I guess the ladies too as it could go both ways).

    Always have an emergency fund that only you know the details about. Sure emergency money is important, but this fund should be enough cash to get you through a few weeks after your shit winds up on the lawn (if you direct deposit and are locked out of the bank you might need longer) and NEVER touched especially when times get tough because the odds of you getting the boot go up.

    When I was getting married I told my soon to be wife that I had money stashed on the side (I don’t keep secrets from her) that she can’t see or touch in the event she screws me over. Her immediate response was “You really think I would do something like that to you?!” and my response was “yes”… I know what you’re thinking “oh man I bet she was pissed fuck that, that’s too much hassle”, but it’s worth it. Basically the explanation breaks down like this, while she might never toss me out in the street and shut off every CC and the like, I could potentially do something stupid enough to make her go that far. An hour or a couple days of arguing about it is a price well worth it if you do ever find yourself pulling up to your house and your shit is on the lawn, your cards are shut off, and your locked out of your bank accounts.

    I have a private account with a big bank which has no paperwork that comes to the house, no checks, no nothing. It’s in my name and she has no access nor does she even know which bank it’s with. I also have some in cash stashed as well (again nothing major, but enough).

    Guys I’m telling you, don’t get caught with your pants down (funny expression for this conversation I guess lol). Your wife can literally tear you down to NOTHING in minutes with only a few phone calls and remember to look out for numero uno because when push comes to shove she can completely ruin you if you aren't prepared. Don't think that I'm saying "if you're a cheater you better be ready", because I'm not as that isn't my style, but... That's the whole thing, the "but" as you never truly know what might happen.

    I was married for all of a month. I am glad that made her sign a prenup. She tried for months to find a way to take everything. I won and got full custody of my daughter. I have a bank account that she did not know about. And when she brought it up in court there was no proof. I had it put in my dads name and direct deposit. For they can not find out. But, good advice.

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