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Posts posted by alaskanzx5

  1. dont gotta tune to 55hz... im doing a 146.6 with 2 rockford t2d412" on a t1500.1bdcp tuned at 43 hz. of course that is with an audio contol meter (ac 190) but they dont measure to far off of the termlab.

    if you build a strong box with the right design you could get into the high 40s. i have heard a lot about sub up port back port on driver side being great in hatch's. double baffle and strong braces, 45 in the port corner if you do a slot port or if you do round ports you could have 2 different ports. have one tuned around 35hz or lower if you want for daily then swap it out with a port tuned higher for competing. keep you voltage running strong and you could do mid-high 40s with 2 12s or a single 15 all day.

  2. ^^ so all but 1 had round baskets? lol. what a dead give away.

    evey once in a while there are liqudation sales here and if you go on the first and last day you can get some good deals. the first day is when all the legit stuff sales. ive seen some of the higher end pioneer double din touchscreens brand new go for about 150-200. then they had a few sets of rockford speakers in an enclosure sell for under 200 each. got a brand new sony camera for 150 dropped it and broke it the same day went back there the last day and they asked me how i like the camera, told them it dropped and broke the same day and they gave me a new one free with a case...

    some of those sales are legit. some of those sales arent. some of them have "vendors" from several places and only some of them are legit. the only way to tell is if you go and check it out.

  3. ^ im completely agree with you fecupe. sure it could have been adjusted or bumped. the video was of there findings and it doesnt say that all ac-190 will be the same.

    a simple reply saying hey, the ac-190 wont always be that accurate compared to the termlab because you can adjust the setting on the ac-190 to match the termlab so not every ac-190 will be the same. would have been a good enough reply to let the op know that yes it can be compared to the termlab if set right but not always.

    i just dont see the reason to call bullshit. those where his findings and results doesnt mean that they will all be the same.

  4. besides no one was telling him to buy an audiocontrol it was a suggestion for him to find a shop with a meter and get tested. not all shops have the same meter and so it was like said a suggestion and a comparison between the termlab and ac-190. the end result is still that if the audiocontrol is set right then it will be close to the termlab. although from what ive been told the ac-190 does have some small changes with different freq.

  5. well if your going for spl your gonna want to have a ported box. i have a 2003 ford focus with a similar sized hatch bnad i can say 2 15s wont fit in mine unless i either take out the back seat or make the box a decent amount taller then the back seat.

    if your will to lose your back window and rear seat you can fit anything if your only willing to lose your back window the most you could do is 2 15's maybe 2 18s but my guess is 2 18s wont fit.

    give the max dimensions your willing to go with and then im sure everyone could be of more help.

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