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Posts posted by loganberry

  1. ok so ill try to keep this as short as possible, what im needing help with is finding a work comp attorney that specializes in indian gaming cases. what happend was back in october i hurt my back at work fairly bad, i had to move a atm machine and have been paying the consequences ever since, after dealing with the dr they supplied me due to it being a work comp case and having him for months say "it will heal by itself just takes time" i demanded a MRI and the result was 2 bulging discs in my lower back causing horrible pain im dealing with every day and am unable to work. i want to know if anyone on here has any experience with any lawyers in this field, im not looking to open a case per say (it has crossed my mind tho) i just want to see what my options are, as a result of the injury i missed out on thousands in tips, my pay was decreased and eventually terminated due to the injury. The company is still taking care of my medical expenses but are dragging major ass, my next step in all this is seeing a specialist and seeing what my options are. i have emailed a few firms and gotten 1 email back already and i have a phone interview for monday but ive never dealt with anything like this before, i am getting help but someone on here may know a kick ass attorney and any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Mine does the same thing, looks similar to my ekg's I have atrialfibrulation (sp), basically a irregular heartbeat but has the ability to backwash and that's what can mess you up..I.e. death, alot of it has to do with maintaining stress, heart rate, caffine intake etc. Im not saying that's what it is, just saying looks fairly similar to mine..I was diagnosed with it around 16 as well, not a big issue as long as you get the hang of controlling it

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