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Posts posted by ric006

  1. It's not like it was when I was a kid......we both left fucked up, but we both left alive. It amazes me how serious little shit can become nowadays......just be careful man, jail sucks, and fuckin' up a minor can get you there....unless it's somehow self defense. But yea...talk about some cowards.

    were having a police report filed saying these kids did this.

    of course no proof but his wounds.

    anyways. we fight them again. odds are in our favor.

    and the kids arnt minors so im good

    That's a bs rule when it comes down to stuff like this & the fact that they're not minors & 3 of them had to jump ONE minor makes them even more of b*tches in my eyes.bomb.gif

    i agree man. this is bullshit

    i have never had a fair fight but i still won but u will catch that kid alone then u break knee caps

  2. He stated that he is using limited space for his enclosure. So using the "zig zag" or "S" style ports helps with that.

    Also are the subs in one chamber? What are the dimensions of the enclosure?

    But in his defense not meaning to cause a shit storm, but how is he ignorant for building HIS box for HIS car the way HE wants it! He was posting a topic about a 3D drawing, wanting peoples opinions of the DRAWING, not the damn enclosure!

    If he likes it, what the hell does it matter to you if the ports are too small?

    2 3 inch ports, one chamber


  3. Let's not turn this shit into a junior high pissing match, come on guys, really?? I read the post as,'what do you think if the 3D design. That's the reason I tuned into this. OP, I understood this post from the get go, to others, obviously not so much

    P.S. I don't give a shit about the port area or the sub volume. But I thought the 3D design was cool as hell

    thank you for being the only one who got this

    thanks for the comp on the design

  4. Are you still actually building that box?

    Im not trying to be a dick but ive seen multiple people on here say that box is gonna be terrible!

    Havent seen you reply properly to any of them :trippy:

    Edit: nvm, missed the last pic, its been built hasnt it?

    I really hope you didn't build that box, or decided to go sealed. it really pisses me off when people ask for opinions on something like this, all the replies say "don't do it" then you do it anyways.

    sorry if i'm coming off as a dick, but if you aren't gonna listen in the first place, don't ask for opinions.

    Never asked for opinoins the box was already built just wanted to show i asked what you thought about the 3d model i made

  5. Just need some suggestions on what I should add in my Impala LT, it's in my garage tab. The upgrades won't be until the summer time, but I have no budget, I just want a system that's loud and clean. Going to be fiber glassing the door, so I'm opening to have a small subwoofer added in it. The back subwoofers will be 12 8" Infinity subs, fiber glassed in the trunk as well.

    depends on what your budget is could Go with Focal, MB Quarts, RF, Boston just if you go with like RF or MB dont get the cheapest pair go with better quality

  6. i used to make charger quick connects from trailor cables that were nice to just plug in when you get home or getting ready for a comp then trickle charge it all all night doing a trickle charge on 3 bats used to take about 10hrs so but if your going to do it alot make yourself a quick connect for easy access

    Trickle Chargering normally dont shut off

  7. your jeep should not have that much of a problem unless your alternator is going bad slowly, second like LoudBimmer said 2000 what system just need a second battery, you dont even need 1/0 guage wire for that system its intended for 5k or higher you could have gotten away with 4 guage also if you are still interested in an alternator depending on the certain models you can have Mr.Alternator build you one for your specs and in some cases you can get a 450 amp alternator but you will not need that and its not meant for everyday driving either.

    http://www.mralternator.com/ He is reasonable prices and good quality used to order them from a shop we worked at in chi town he has very good customer service too.

    PS. if you plan on upgrading your system make sure you get the right amp output your gonna need for future use

  8. I've been searching around for someone to paint my car really cheap. An old friend is offering to use truck bed material (rhino Lining) to paint my car. He says he can do a thin layer and smooth it out. Is this illegal for comps. I know a thick layer would be but still wondering.

    Never heard of it being illegal for comps, They use Concrete and everything else might wanna double check on that

  9. I just got a sad email and i cant lie i have a few tears in my eyes right now. I dont even know him but i can still remember the day i met him like yesterday. Such a nice guy. RIP my friend RIP :( :(

    Steve this is the wife of Ike. Thank you for making his dream come true unfortunately he passed away on 1-11-12.

    Sad about what happened but he had one of his dreams come true thanks to you keep it bumping steve

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